I heard from
Jenna that she has received the PIF that I sent to her earlier in the week :-) I am finally trying to catch up on all of my backed up PIF gifts, and Jenna is from my original PIF list that goes back some months now... what a relief to have hers done, mailed and received now! I have another one out in the mail, and will do my very best to catch up on them all soon! I have been in a Halloween mood lately, and was glad to learn that Jenna seems to like Halloween enough to even decorate her cubicle at work - LOL!
The Spooks Are Out! PinkeepWaxing Moon Designs32 ct Driftwood Linen, Weeks Dye Works FlossTonight was a hectic night at our house. We discovered that our little cat, Ava, age 4 (as of 10/1, which I had totally forgotten until yesterday!), has a sore/ulcer on her upper lip in the center below her nose, and it has spread a little inside her lip as well...

...So,after researching this online, Mike and I got concerned and I took her to the emergency vet: the same place I got to know so well when Angus was so very ill last Christmas. The diagnosis I found online was the one the vet gave her. Ava has
rodent virus , which sounds so terrible but actually has nothing at all to do with rodents - I would type its medical term if I could spell it.... Anyhow, Ava has been very talkative lately and we thought she might be in heat. Wrong, she was in pain. Poor baby. I discovered it when I went to brush her teeth tonight (she woke me up this morning with the most terrible breath in my face...). The vet gave her antibiotics and pain killers, but Ava will now need to see her regular vet this coming week for follow up. This can be an annoying, stubborn, repetitive issue for her. So far, we do not see any signs of it in our other five cats (whew!!). She will probably need cortisone in order to heal. She was very anxious at the vet. She growled the entire time she was there. I had never even heard her growl before, and none of my cats have ever growled at the vet. Since she got home, she has been clinging to me, curled up against me in my stitching chair while I tried to stitch. I just took this photo, taken in my stitching chair still. She was super hard to photograph, but in this shot you can see the red bump on her upper lip. My poor baby, she is miserable, but I think the pain killer drops we had to put under her tongue are kicking in a little now.

Here is what I did manage to get done on And A Forest Grew tonight... really getting there now :-)
Stitched on today: Stitched on a gift, and And A Forest Grew