I received this HoE Christmas in July Exchange from
Stacy today. She wrote that this was the first pinkeep she had ever made, but you sure cannot tell - it is absolutely perfect! I love this design by My Big Toe from the latest JCS issue, and now I don't have to stitch it for myself ;-) The rest of the goodies are also wonderful - pretty linen, some cute charms, SMF Candy Floss and some violet transfers. Thank you so much Stacy, it was a treat to receive from you.

And... another treat in the mail today! I received the rest of the Fourth of July Exchange from Julianne today - she had an ONS send me Where Stitching Leads by Chessie & Me (complete with hand-dyed linen) - and I adore it! She saw it on my wish list, and boy, am I overwhelmed and humbled by her generosity! Thank you so much Julianne!
Also... Mike wants me to tell you all he is having a Fourth of July Sale at his
Online Store - Gingher 4" Sarahs and Freedoms are only $19.99, and Gingher 4" Robertas are now $18.99. He is also now selling electronic cigarette supplies, if anyone has any interest. He swears by these - he was a 2 pack a day smoker for more years than I even know, but he has been off cigarettes totally for over 9 weeks now using e-cigarettes. Anyhow, I am really proud of him (and thrilled he quit smoking!!) - maybe his store can help someone you love too??
Stitched on lately: Finished Christmas Ornament for Becky for Christmas Ornament Swap, and sent my HoE Christmas in July Exchange today