For all who missed out on getting the JoAnn's Exclusive Gingher Ella 4" scissors when they first came out early in the autumn, no worries! Mike has been able to get a sizeable supply from his wholesaler - we had an over $300 postage charge at the post office today, primarily from shipping these out to you.... BUT.... we have more! Scroll down to my last entry to see how pretty they are, and to find the link and coupon code to get you your pair! Thanks :-)
Now onto my own stitching news... so much to share today... over the past couple of weeks, I have been blessed to receive some stunning ornaments from dear friends... and here they are:

This adorable green fluffy heart came to me from dear Staci - it is the cuddliest ornament I have ever had on my tree, and I adore it. I wish I had a better photo, but I was pretty much squatting in front of my tree to get this shot... thank you Staci :-)
And this stunner is from my dear, dear Celebrations friend Margaret. Margaret sends me the prettiest, most delicate ornaments every year... and she was not to be outdone again this year! She stitched for me Frosted Berlingot by Nancy Pederson in the December 2010 issue of The Gift of Stitching Magazine... see, another delicate beauty! I sooooo look forward to her ornament gifts every year! Thank you Margaret!
And, last but far, far from least, today I received my HoE Christmas Ornament Exchange from Hazel. Poor Hazel mailed this out to me ages and ages ago, and the postal service deigned to finally deliver it to my home today. No worries - the tree is still up, and it is still the holiday season here :-) Oh, it was so worth the wait! I had to take a kind of sideways photo of it, as it is facing my stairwell, and I had to slip the camera between the railings of the stairway to get a shot... so it looks wonky, but the ornament is NOT wonky - LOL. What a beauty - a CHS ornament on 40 ct linen, stitched by a dear friend.... another heirloom for me! Thank you so much Hazel!
And, this brings me to a little pile of ornaments I have been busily stitching for my own tree... there are more to come this week, but for now, I can share:

Snowman's Quaker Christmas
Midnight Stitching
R&R Reproductions 32 ct Creek Bed Brown Linen, GAST and DMC Floss
2010 Stamp Ornament
Jeannette Douglas Designs
Just Cross Stitch Magazine 2010 Christmas Ornament Issue
32 ct Platinum Belfast Linen, DMC Floss, Mill Hill Beads
2010 Stocking Ornament
Jeannette Douglas Designs
The Gift of Stitching Magazine, November 2010
32 ct Natural Light Linen, Crescent Colours Floss, Mill Hill Beads
I changed every fiber and bead in this one to match the red and green beads I had in my stash ;-)
Christmas & Reindeer 2010 Ornament
Rosewood Manor
Chart Available HERE
40 ct Natural Brown Linen, DMC FlossAnd, so that is pretty lengthy update for now, right?? Got our first significant snow overnight... less than forecasted, and DH got right out there this morning and cleared the way for us.... but it is sooo cold and windy out there, I am going to grab one of my books, curl up and read... maybe stitch later while we watch a movie or the hockey game :-)

Currently Stitching: Christmas Ornaments