The mailman delivered a very heavy priority mail package this morning. I have been utterly spoiled rotten by
Janet for the HoE LHN/CCN Exchange. This was Janet's first exchange, and she went over the top, way above and beyond! I apologize straight up for the poor photo quality. I should have gone out to the porch to take photos, but we are having a bit of a windstorm here this weekend, so I used the kitchen table instead....

Janet stitched me an album! I will describe it more below - along with it some 36 ct linen she hand dyed for me, the latest issue of SANQ (I had just let my subscription expire due to the economy) and a really pretty chart I had not yet seen that is dedicated in the memory of Kris Stott - it is chock full of great charts for smalls - by many of my favorite designers! She also enclosed a pen from her ebay shop ;-)

Inside the album... many pages full of goodies! Here is the inside cover and an example of a page - she included John James needles, a pretty pair of Premax scissors and several skeins of overdyed floss.... and some on later pages that appear to be ones she dyed herself for her shop and they are super nice! In the album are two more patterns for me -which I love!! See.... SPOILED! I cannot thank Janet enough. I cannot wait to use this - in fact, I will tonight! This will be an heirloom!

Just finished my Easter Exchange today - in time for the mailing date on Monday ;-)
Currently stitching: CaHRH, and going to start another Christmas Ornament for my gift basket...