In the past couple of weeks, I have managed to stitch some tiny ornaments... the first two that are totally finished are ready to share are... (I love to make really tiny ornaments sometimes, as I have so many and still want to keep adding to my tree... so I make little guys that can get tucked in anywhere, like these two can)...

Joy Ambigram Ornament
The Flower Thread Company
The Gift of Stitching Magazine, November 2011
32 ct Opalescent White Belfast Linen, Victorian Motto Sampler Thread, DMC FlossI also stitched this one up a bit ago.... I put the very last stitch in the finishing just as our power went out during the late October freak snowstorm that hit the East Coast of the US.... it was over four days before we got power back, and longer than that before I remembered to go peek and see how it came it! Here it is...
Joy to the World Ornament
Helga Mandl in Carolling Cards
32 ct R&R Reproductions Creek Bed Brown linen, Crescent Colours Floss
Stitched one over oneHave missed so many of my blogging/stitching friends. Last night I shocked my tinnitus (it is only in my left ear) using ear buds and some sound program apps on my iPad... having a very quiet day today, so I am hoping I am on to something... will do more of that shock therapy tonight - no worries, I don't blast it, I am just trying to habituate my brain to the chronic hissing that is now part of my life...)
Oh, we just got our tree and Mike is stringing the lights. Maybe I will decorate it tomorrow and will have a photo to share soon.... anyone else getting ready to decorate a post a photo of their tree???
Currently Stitching: Christmas Ornaments - ornament for HoE Exchange