As I was starting to get concerned about getting started on the next Neighborhood Round Robin (Group 3), and having it finished in time for the first mailing on July 15, I decided to get started tonight. I was able to grid my fabric and stitch quite a lot of my design. After getting this much done tonight, I am no longer worried about meeting the deadline. And, I hope that when stitchers receive my RR, they may feel a sense of relief, as I chose to make my blocks only 60 x 60 stitches. I am using 36 ct Summer Khaki Edinburgh linen, and am stitching part of Geranium House by Country Cottage Needleworks to start it off. I am asking each stitcher to stitch a house of any style they choose, as long as it is the house she would like to live in in my neighborhood :-)

For those who asked, Mike loves his new iPhone. He found it does have a couple of glitches (all related to photos and transferring them, or some such thing), but apparently nothing major. He has it with him all the time, that is for sure - LOL
I am not sure how I got all of this done today. I did a lot of other things today, yet also got this stitching done... very strange. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
Stitched on today: Stitched ornament for Christmas Ornament SAL, and started my Hello Neighbor Round Robin, Group 3