I received this sweet HoE Just Nan Exchange from
Georgie a few days ago, and as I told Georgie, it has been raining absolute buckets here for about 10 days now. We have about two more days of it still ahead, but I did spot a little bit of daylight in the window when I got home tonight, so I grabbed the opportunity to take a snap! At last, I can share it! She stitched this teeny, tiny biscornu and made it into a fob for me. I cannot recall what chart she said she used :-( But, it is adorable! And she also sent some sweet smelling lilac & lavender soap too :-) Thank you, Georgie, for this lovely exchange!
Life remains hectic here... I am so far behind in blogging, stitching and email, that I am so lonely for my friends! But I understand that my virtual disappearance leads to not getting emails, so I will hang in there until I am free enough to be hanging back around with you again! In the meantime, dear ones, don't forget to pick up some quite excellent summer reading here:

Stitched on lately: Mailed out Fourth of July Exchange, starting Christmas in July Exchange and Christmas Ornament for Becky for the Christmas Ornament Swap