How well do you know your fellow stitching bloggers? Be the first to answer the following 35 questions correctly, and I will send you this pretty fabric! Kronos is a luscious berry/mulberry fabric with lavender swirled in it. It is dyed by Sugar Maple Fabrics. I had always thought Mirabilia's Fairy Moon would look outstanding on this! Anyhow, email me your answers at ***Contest "Rules": I realize that there may be more than one answer to some questions, and I will check your answers before I assume you are wrong, OK? If a lot of correct ones come in at once, I will draw for the winner... Any stitcher is eligible to take guesses, whether I know you or not! LOL

Which Stitching Blogger...
1) Teaches and/or taught at the Sorbonne? Isabelle
2) Has a family that enjoys geocaching? Von or Chris
3) Got married in October of 2005? Katrina
4) Is pursuing a master’s degree program in computer science? Nicole
5) Turned 30 years old on March 27, 2006? Dani
6) Got a job promotion in the customer service field of the airlines industry in March? Anne
7) Recently got pregnant after years of fertility trials? Karen
8) Stitched DT’s An Open Heart – and made it into a lovely tribute to her mother who passed several months ago? Karen
9) Had her computer stolen earlier this year? Barbara or Christin
10) Recently moved to a new apartment with a lovely seaside view? Vash
11) Owns her own needlework shop (both brick and mortar, and online)? Karen
12) Hangs around with lab rats? Jo **but Jo informs me she actually only hangs around with lab mice, not lab rats :-)
13) Recently attended a U2 concert? Jenn or Dani
14) Has a dog named Lily? Erin
15) Has a son named Adam? Zohrah
16) Has a BF who dresses like a fish? RosieKiwi
17) Stitched Oh, Christmas Tree for her mother, Christmas 2005? Becky
18) Gave us a yummy stew recipe for St. Patrick’s Day? Christine
19) Runs the SBQ for us every week? Renee
20) Is stitching the whole CHS alphabet series as one huge, stunning piece? Patti
21) Just traveled to London for a visit from her own homeland? Linda
22) Has a daughter named Marion? Heather
23) Has a son who is stitching L&L’s Fairy Dreams (and like a pro, I must add!!)? Lelia
24) Is stitching Jan Houtman’s gorgeous Patchwork Sampler? Annemarie
25) Is stitching Mermaids of the Deep Blue on Silkweaver’s Dew Drop (gorgeous!!)? Kathy
26) Stitched Guard This Keep (Dragon Dreams) and recently finished and framed it? Amanda
27) Speaking of Dragon Dreams, which blogger is a model stitcher for DD? Dani
28) Is taking a Jeannette Douglas class in May? Carol
29) Recently started up the very amusing coffee cup challenge amongst many of us bloggers? Kim
30) Lives in Germany AND is stitching Medieval Town Mandala? Bine
31) Knits socks as much as she cross stitches? Rachael
32) Celebrated her 30th birthday on March 28, 2006? Cindy
33) Stitched LHN’s Coffee Menu and Lavender Hill already this year? Bea
34) Has newborn kittens in the house? Rosa
35) Is stitching TW’s Woodland Faerie on fabric she dyed herself? Dawn

Stitched on today: Mystery IX