I was busy today stitching (see photo below to see why today was a good day to sit inside and stitch...) - I stitched on two different exchanges, and I cannot show them yet. But later this evening, while watching (and enjoying) The Astronaut Farmer, I spent some time on Memories again. These colors are so vibrant. I cannot recall the last time I stitched anything this bright, but it really is so yummy in person.
A couple of people have asked me if I am using the silk or DMC for this sampler. Oh, I am trying to save for my retirement - DH and I are in our 40's, you know... no silk for this one, just DMC and perle cotton on Silvery Moon Cashel linen... still very pretty!

We won't be barbequeing here anytime soon, will I? This is my back porch at 10 AM this morning. As you can see, we haven't been getting any break from the snow - not really since early December. A warmer week is forecasted. That is, the 40's, not very warm weather, but maybe warm enough to put a dent in this huge pile of snow?? (OK, no need at all to leave me a comment telling me how warm it is by you - I already know the odds are that it is warmer by you than by me! Thanks.)
Goal Review Time:
February Goals:
1. Continue to work on Serenity -yes
2. Continue to work on A Quaker Christmas -yes
3. Continue to work on Houses of Hawk Run Hollow -yes
4. Continue to work on Dawn, Fairy Spirit of Grace -no
5. Stitch and send Winter Exchange to Myrna -no, and this is a major priority for early March now!
6. Stitch and send Biscornu Exchange (Laura’s Group) to Pixie -yes
7. Start Judith’s Neighborhood Round Robin (due to mail 3/15/08) -no, need to do in early March
8. Stitch some gifts -yes, I stitched five gifts this month
9. Stitch at least one PIF -yes, and Joanne has received it
10. Continue to work on Spring Ride SAL -no, this SAL was put on hold in February, but I believe it restarts now in March
11. Stitch an ornament -yes
12. Stitch and send CE return exchange to Edda -yes, and Edda has received it
13. Start SBEBB Tea Time Exchange which is due 3/8/08 -yes, I have started it and am on track with it
March Goals:
1. Continue to work on Serenity
2. Continue to work on A Quaker Christmas
3. Continue to work on Houses of Hawk Run Hollow
4. Continue to work on Dawn, Fairy Spirit of Grace
5. Stitch and send Winter Exchange to Myrna
6. Stitch and send Judith’s Neighborhood Round Robin to Annemarie by 3/15
7. Stitch at least one PIF
8. Continue to work on Spring Ride SAL
9. Stitch two ornaments
10. Finish and mail SBEBB Tea Time Exchange by 3/8
11. Continue to work on Memories
12. Stitch and send SBEBB Spring Quaker Exchange by 3/21
13. Stitch and send HoE Biscornu Exchange by 3/21
14. Stitch and send out Crazy Exchange
15. Stitch some gifts
Stitched on today: Finished Crazy Exchange project, stitched on SBEBB Tea Time Exchange project, and Memories
I have the NN 139 and will send you some on Monday.
Hmm, I'm also plagued by a missing floss problem...although mine is simple ol' DMC and much easier to find than NN! I, too, could have sworn I had this particular color, but I cannot find it anywhere. *sigh*
Well, if it's any consolation, my mom has even more snow. Does misery love company? LOL. I think everyone is really ready for spring by now.
Sorry I don't have the thread you're missing - good luck!
I love your memories, I think that will go on my wishlist. I like your snow, very wintery. I bet your dh is glad you got him his new car.
I guess if someone live in Florida they will be warmer than anybody else !!! lol Let's hope you can do a barbecue soon ;-)
Fabulous progress on Memeories. It looks wonderful even without using the silks. I am in the same boat. Baby gear is more of a priority than silks these days.
It's beautiful Carol!! I wish I could help you with the NN thread you need! My LNS Silk-Road Needlearts still has a bunch left over. If you still can't find the color you need, I'm sure he'd be happy to send it to you if he has it. Good Luck! :)
Yikes, I'd have stayed inside, too :)
Sorry I don't have the floss, but I see Becky has some, what a star!
Lovely progress, pretty colours and what a load of snow! I am quite jealous, but at the same time totally sympathise that it is a big pain. It would be a novelty here. Hope you get some warmer temps soon!
That is some serious snow!
I love how Memories is turning out ... too bad the camera doesn't quite catch the colors of the piece. I guess I missed the miserable winters in the two years I lived in Boston. Hey - at least you have ample reason to stay inside stitching :) Can't wait to see your other projects once they are received :)
This is the first winter we've forgotton to bring the BBQ into the garage and ours pretty much looks like yours does right now. Maybe the rain forecast tomorrow will help diminish our pile.
I am loving Memories! The colours are some of my favourites.
It doesn't snow here, and I am ready for spring. I can only imagine how really really ready you are for some of the yellow stuff to come out of the sky and some of the green stuff to come out of the ground! You can always come and visit me...you are welcome any time you need to get away from the snow!
Love reading your goals, Carol! Good luck on this months...you're such a steady, fast stitcher!!!
Bummer about the snow...we hardly get any here...just rain rain rain rain rain...
This remeinds me, did you send that Antique Brass to Barbara?
Oh my goodness, Carol, look at all that snow. Ugh! Hope those warmer temps have come your way, and that snow is melting away!
I'm watching your progress on your latest NN project with interest - it's got the beautiful colors in it that I'm dying to see in my garden. :D
We actually had snow here twice this week, which was so weird. Wish I could help you with your floss dilemma. Maybe it's in the same place my wooden dowel is. LOL! Your JN piece is beautiful!
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