I worked on A Quaker Christmas for a little while again tonight, and I was able to add some of the smaller motifs and start the next larger sized one. I was looking forward to putting some good time in on this tonight, but I received an email this morning from one of the stitchers in the HoE Biscornu Exchange, letting me know she had to drop out of the exchange on the eve of the mailing date. Since I am leading that group, I needed to take over stitching a biscornu for her person. I spent a while this afternoon going through charts and gathering fabric and fibers to start a replacement biscornu. I was able to get a few stitches in on it too, and plan to get that done this weekend and out in the mail by Monday (the latest) so that the recipient will still receive it on time.
KarenV, the color I am using for the lettering on HOHRH is Fire Dragon by Vikki Clayton (I am sure you remember that I am using one of Vikki's original conversions for that sampler). It really is a pretty color - good eye you have there. I don't know, though, if Vikki still dyes that color.
I am off now to start my new book - The Other Boleyn Girl :-) I finished the rather silly "Plum Lovin'" last night... not exactly ever going to be on any literary lists! LOL However, The Other Boleyn Girl has come to me highly recommended - thank you! - so off I go! ;-)
Stitched on today: Started a replacement biscornu for the HoE Biscornu Exchange, and stitched on A Quaker Christmas
Hi Carol!
Your AQC looks wonderful! I'm reading The Other Boleyn Girl right now too. I was surprised with how good it is. I'm not really into that kind of historical fiction. Enjoy it!
Looking good and fabulous !!!
So glad you are going to read this book...I hope you like it as much as I did. I couldn't put it down until it was finished! Best book I had ever read. Saw the movie and as usual, not as good. Great work with AQC as well!
Thanks for answering my question Carol. I thought it was Fire Dragon, it was one of my favourite colours. Sadly, Vikki doesn't dye that exact shade any more.
Quaker Christmas is looking wonderful! BTW, I am ready to start Be Kind and True (I got some fabric yesterday that is perfect for it), so thanks again for passing the chart on to me.
You're a champ to whip up a replacment biscornu at the last second like that, Carol!
Enjoy The Other Boleyn Girl. It is one of my favorites, but then Phillipa Gregory is one of my favorite authors. I also highly recommend The Queen's Fool by the same author.
That is looking so pretty! I'm going to be starting the Other Boleyn Girl next week. :-) I thought the same thing about Plum Lovin! LOL!
Carol, what a great progress !
Quaker Christmas is looking gorgeous, nice progress
sgNice progress! Enjoy the book. I haven't read any of hers yet, but have had them recommended to me ... maybe next time I'm at the library I'll pick it up. I do enjoy historical fiction from that time period.
Can't wait to see what you picked out for the exchange ... it's too bad someone had to drop last minute. Good luck!
I'm currently reading The Other Boleyn Girl and really enjoying it. Hope you do too. AQC is looking beautiful and that was really sweet of you to step up and fill in for the drop out stitcher.
Glad to hear you are feeling better, VoHRH looking great, I really need to get a better start on mine.
Happy Easter!
ANy chance you'll have it done in time for Christmas:) It looks amazing.
Cool that you are starting The Other Boleyn Girl. I am about 100 pages in. I did a concentration in Renaissance history in college and Tudor England is my particular fave. I love reading both scholarly and ficitional material related to this era. It is interesting to see someone focus on Mary and am an intrigued to read the perspective she chose to take on Anne's downfall. I'm enjoying it so far.
Quaker is looking so pretty, it is much larger than I originally thought it was. I haven't read The Other Bolyn Girl, but my DD did and said it was excellent. She really liked the others by that author as well. I did read Plum Loving, and while agree it won't win a literary award, Janet's Stephanie Plum series is so funny, they always make me laugh. Good luck finishing the biscornu.
Hi Carol.....
I just admire all of your beautiful stitching and how quick you get yours done. Everything that you stitch is just out of this world.
I finish a big one called My Lady Of The Snow. You can see her on my Blog plus the details.
Take care & Happy Stitching
Oooh, I hope that you like "The Other Boleyn Girl"! I read it on my honeymoon and could hardly stand to put it down!! *blush*
I highly recommend all of Phillipa Gregory's books about Tudor England. Fascinating.
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