Ah, I got the answer I expected! The vast majority of you said "move that 8!" I agree. Now, I also agree with Bonnie - in quaker tradition, only God is perfect, so leave mistakes in. And I have left most of the charting errors alone (there are a few in this chart). However, I just could not justify trying to place the 8 in an appealing manner as a mistake. Sharon M. is adorable - she was up early watching the baseball from Tokyo - and re-charted the 8 twice for me! Aw, thanks Sharon!! I worked on it again tonight, and I moved the 8 twice, finally ending up here... and I think I like it. Does it look right? The 8 is only 4 stitches wide and a little hard to place in an area also designed for wider numbers. I thought of someone's suggestion to move the little motif to the right of the 8 over, but there are only 4 threads between the small motif and a large one that goes to the right of that one, so that was a no-go. So... unless you all tell me it looks bad, I think the 8 has been relocated.... Thank you, everyone, for your help!!!
I didn't get up early for the Red Sox, by the way. Some asked :-) Well, OK, I did get up 10 minutes early - at the first alarm rather than waiting for the snooze alarm. I went into my stash room and turned on the TV - I think they were in the 3rd inning at the time. I heard it all the way to work on the radio, and when Brandon Moss hit his home room to tie the game in the top of the 9th, I was just pulling into my office parking lot. I have never run into my building and ascended to the fifth floor to my office so fast - had to get my computer going and hear the rest of the very exciting game. LOL. I am as passionate about the Red Sox as I am about stitching, I can't help myself :-)
Stitched on today: Stitched on HoE Pinkeep Exchange, and A Quaker Christmas
I think the 8 looks perfect exactly where it is! It does look more tied together with "200-"
Your fingers are moving like wildfire on this piece - it's gorgeous and I'm loving that linen it's on.
Between you and Edgar I might have to move this up on the shopping list. I'm liking it more the more I see it.
I agree with kim b. The '8' does look more tied together with the '200-' :)
The 8 looks great where it is now.
A perfect 8! Well done
The 8 is perfectly placed now!
The 8 looks much better this way!!!
I can just picture you flying hither and thither just to hear the game :o)
The 8 looks great. I think, in the end, I would have moved it too!
Looks great. Job well done.
Definitely flows better! I like the new placement much more.
I think it looks great ;)
The '8' looks great now - good job in moving it. Sometimes you just have to go with what appeals more to the eye than with proper sequencing. This piece looks wonderful!
OK, I admit it, the 8 does look better moved up. And I see the angel up above the motif is blowing the trumpet to say, "You go girl!". Your stitching always looks so good.
I also loved your story about listening to the Red Sox game from Tokyo. You are a serious fan.
The 8 looks great, fantastic decision Carol!
Great job, Carol! It was definitely the right move to restitch the 8 in the new position - it looks wonderful. And my condolences on the Red Sox loss today :(
Everytime Harden pitches against the Rangers, I can't wait for him to leave the game - he's that good!
wow your really moving on this one. Yes, I like the 8 where it is now. :)
It looks wonderful!
It looks much better. Well done you. xx
Carol, I had to smile as I imagined you rushing into your office! QC looks great!
I like the new position of the 8. You chose well!
Now your 8 looks perfect :) !
I think it looks great there!
This info is very valuable to me as I just started this piece myself :)
Yours is looking great!
I definitely like the change in 8's position. Much better!! All of your stitching looks great!!
Very beautiful design!!Is this SAL?
Do you like Red Sox?I wa swached sports news of the televishion .Do you know Mr.Matsuzaka,Mr.Okajima?
I think the 8 looks great now - good choice to move it. I had the same problem recently with an off-center L.
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