I stitched for a bit tonight on A Quaker Christmas. I stitched the year on it tonight, and I started first with the 8. I looked at where the 7 was charted, and put the 8 in the only logical place that would give it the proper spacing from the star-like motif to its right. Then I did 200... and now think the 8 should come up one stitch (two threads)... but that will ruin the pattern of the spacing of two threads between each number... I think the issue is that the 8 is a straight up and down number, while the 7 and most of the other numbers lean and take up more width... I will think on it for a bit, but your opinion would be helpful ;-) Thanks! And, if the motif to the left of the 2008 looks a bit empty, it still is - I have to add a pair of birds to it next time.
I do feel better today, and thank you for the well wishes. I am slowly getting caught up again on blogs and emails.... thank you, friends :-)
So... should I get up at 6 AM tomorrow to watch the first few at-bats of the Red Sox game before work, or should I sleep to 7:15, as usual? This is a tough decision as I know I would feel it later in the afternoon. I do have the DVR set for the game to watch it later, but nothing beats live baseball... I don't like this Tokyo thing, not fair to those of us who have to work - LOL!
Stitched on today: Started HoE Pinkeep Exchange project, and stitched on A Quaker Christmas **Mailed out a gift today
I think that the 8 would look better closer to the 0 - at the moment, it looks odd being a little apart from it, the date doesn't "flow" properly. JMO.
You're making great progress!
I agree with Karen! You could always stitch the motifs around it first and then put the '8' where it fits best?
Getting up at 6 to watch baseball? Oh boy - not me! LOL!
I can see what you mean about the 8. I think I would frog the whole of the 2008 and small motif above the 2 and then space the 2008 down the side of the flower motif and then put the frogged motif where you now have the 8. I hope you understand what I mean?
But .. it's looking great.
I wouldn't get up at 6am for anyone or anything!!!
I agree with Karen on the 8. It's looking fantastic though. I should be starting this in a couple of weeks. My threads should be with me tomorrow or Thursday but I want to finish up Queen of the Needle before I start it:)
Spring Ride looks gorgeous.
I believe I agree with everyone else on the 8. And I get up at 6 a.m. everyday :) Little Mommy time always makes the day go better ;)
I see what you mean. I'd frog it. However, before I restitched, I'd use some graph paper and try to chart it on a slight diagonal. Chart the 200 as is and then see if you can fit the 8 slightly turned. I'd also try to modify the 6 that is already stitched to see if I could make an 8 out of it. The 6 looks as if it might have the correct slant.
Speaking from a quilter's perspective, the Quakers left mistakes in their quilts because they felt that only God was perfect. I would leave the odd placement of the 8 as a charming Quaker tradition. And your piece would be unique also.
It's looking lovely, great progress
Oh, tough one. My first reaction was: frog the 8 and put it closer to the '200', but then I read Bonnie's comment, and I thought: she's right! Leave it just as it is. Avoid frogging at all costs, that's my stitchng motto :o)
My opinion means very little since I have oh about 3 months experience stitching :) But I think the whole project is coming along swimmingly! I'm infatuated with this design and am really enjoying seeing so many of you working on it!
Just catching up on blogs. It is lovely to see your SPring Ride and Minuet again. They are looking beautiful. I hope your flu bug leaves you soon and you are feeling more rested and well.
Your progress is really showing on this sampler, it’s so pretty!
I would say you need to sleep and watch it later LOL! You are asking a girl who likes her sleep though, because I always stay up too late at night stitching my heart out :)
Oldest is thrilled that it's MLB season! And the Rockies won on Sunday...maybe we can hope for a rematch at the end of the season (although I want a different outcome, LOL!)
I agree with everyone else that the 8 looks a little lonely, but I also agree about keeping the frogs at bay!!! I'm sure that whatever you decide, you'll make it look fabulous!
I would either leave it as is, or take the second zero and try to turn it a little bit so it is more slanted around the motif and then the 8 would probably look fine. Not sure if I'm making sense! I do like the idea of leaving it the way it is however...
I'm stitching this also, but am not very far!
Linda in VA
Good to hear you are feeling much better.
Quaker Christmas update is looking great.
Have a nice week.
I agree with Karen - I would put the 8 a little closer to the 0.
I've gotten up at weird hours to watch international sporting events, but I know that I would prefer to watch it in the afternoon/evening, as long as you swore friends not to reveal the score and spoil the surprise for you.
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