Thanks for all of your wonderful comments on this sampler. The linen is the called for linen - and yes, it is super pretty. Someone asked what will be next... I do have a small-medium sized sampler selected to start next... just waiting for the linen to arrive ;-)

So, where was I before I got sidetracked and started Be Kind and True? Ah yes - Houses of Hawk Run Hollow has not been out since February 1st - welcome back :-)
Stitched on today: Stitched a gift, fixed/finished Be Kind and True, and Houses of Hawk Run Hollow
They both are very very beautiful, Carol!
I love the design Be kind and True and have it as well!
And also your HOHRH looks wonderful!
I'm very slow stitching this, am working on the thrid house at the moment!
HoHRH is looking gorgeous Carol, nice progress
Be kind is just gorgeous Carol, beautiful stitching!!!
Clever girl, Carol. I hadn't noticed :o)
Love this block on HoHRH! It's the cow, I think.
they are so beautiful. great stitching on them
Great finish! I really like that one. You are making good progress on HoHRH too!
Nice to see HoHRH again, Carol. And I'm glad you got the border on the BBD sorted out to your satisfaction. ;)
Your sampler looks great! Good for you, fixing it the way *you* like it. That kind of thing drives me nuts too!
oh my you have finished it! i cant tell the difference between the two. i cant see the mistake. xx
Congrats on finishing BKaT! I think you were wise to work on a medium-sized project along with all your fabulous fobs, pinkeeps, and large designs. :D
Welcome back Houses!!!
Your work is stunning Carol. With being away and offline due to a computer glitch I had not checked out your blog in a while. Your gifts both sent and received are beautiful. It is easy to tell that you are well thought of in the stitching world.
Congratulations on your finish!! It's beautiful!!!
You are really cookin on HOHRH - it's gorgeous!
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