Just another update of A Quaker Christmas again tonight... not very exciting, I know... just moving along with this one little by little.
I want to thank the many of you who have been tagging me in your blogs lately. I really appreciate the kind thoughtss that are attached to choosing me when you seek people to tag. I don't, however, do tags in my blog. It is not that I do not like or appreciate them, I just 1) prefer to keep my blog as my stitching journal (and a little bit of family, pets and sports sometimes shows up too), and 2) I have way too many blogging friends to ever know who I should tag (and many don't want to be tagged)... so I want to say thank you, while I kindly pass on tagging anyone in return. I know you understand ;-)
Stitched on today: Started biscornu (for Laura'a exchange group), and A Quaker Christmas
It's looking wonderful Carol!
Great progress.
It's coming along nicely, Carol.
Carol I sware you're becoming a one project at a time gal!
QC is just looking stunning Carol. I just know I'll cave soon and buy this!
The box you made is lovely.
Quaker is looking so pretty, and you're coming along so well on it. I don't remember how large a piece it is, but it looks like you're certainly past the half way point now.
Both your recent gifts were gorgeous as well. The mattress cushion was so pretty, and I loved the HP box you made, how perfect.
Love seeing your progress on this!
Quaker Christmas is looking wonderful Carol!!
This looks just lovely, I could see this every day and not get fed up :)
Great progress as usual!
Wow...your zooming along on this beauty too! Looking gorgeous :)
Wow, this is looking great Carol!!!
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