I heard it through the grapevine this afternoon that my Stitching Bloggers Birthday Club gift
finally arrived in Canada. Well... it sort of did. My second gift packet did, but the first one I sent on Jan 14th is still lost in postal purgatory. I have not heard directly from the recipient, so I have no idea at all if she likes her gifts, but I hope she does. I am relieved that at least one package did arrive. It was really stressful waiting on the first package, putting together a second one, and then waiting a long time for it to arrive too (even though I used Priority Mail).
Nature's Alphabet "S" FobElizabeth's DesignsSilkweaver 32 ct Solo Belfast Linen, DMC Floss
Above are the rest of the gifts that I sent to her - I tried to work off of her wish list - she wanted hand dyed aida fabrics, vanilla scented items, Brightneedle charts...
I will also show the first (and currently lost) stitched item that I sent to her. I loved this little fob so much! She noted that she wanted Brightneedle's Under the Sea. I couldn't get my hands on that chart, despite trying a few places. So I chose to stitch her a fob using Brightneedle's little freebie that eventually led to their designing Under the Sea... I sure hope she eventually gets this! I won't show the rest of that gift package, just in case she does receive it someday. I actually don't think she reads my blog... but to be safe, I will leave a little mystery still for her...

Blue Moon FobBrightneedle32 ct Antique White Belfast Linen, DMC Floss, Weeks Dye Works FlossStitched 1-over-1
Today I received my biscornu exchange from Vanessa. This is from the exchange I participated in that was run by
Laura. I think it is just adorable. Vanessa used one of my favorite little Casey Buonaugurio freebies, and she stitched it on a really pretty hand dyed linen (my photo does not reflect its beauty) - it is put together beautifully :-)

Above you can see the backside of the biscornu too - I love the little extras, thanks Vanessa. I posted over on Laura's blog too, as I don't think Vanessa reads my blog either.

As for my own stitching tonight, I stuck with Wendy's Neighborhood Round Robin, and it looks like I am well on track to get this done and be able to mail it off to Nicole on Monday.

Anouk decided she really likes the envelope that Karen used to mail Wendy's round robin to me - she has made a bit of a bed out of it. As usual, she is so hard to photograph. As you can see in this photo, Anouk has severe stenosis - her nose is ultra tiny and she has virtually no nostrils. As a result, she always has some drippage on her face. Sadly, the vet also thinks she
might have an iris melanoma on the upper portion of her right eye. Either that, or the dark ring around her iris is just darker in that area. We found that out a few days ago and I am still trying to absorb it. Anouk will be six years old in June...
Stitched on today: Wendy's Neighborhood Round Robin