I need some help/advice.... I need to be pointed in the right direction, if you can help me! I want to stitch Three Little Words by Papillon Creations. However, I need an enormous cut of either 36 or 40 ct linen. I think the stitch count for this sampler is 400 x 400. So if I use 40 ct, I need a 26" x 26" piece of linen, and if I used 36 ct I probably need something like a 27" x 27" piece (maybe more like 28" x 28").... does anyone know of a good place to pick this up? I am not looking for a hand dyed for this sampler. I would prefer cream or antique white..... any help would be appreciated, especially a shop in the US (due to high shipping fees from Europe, etc...) - but I will be happy with any tip - thanks so much!
New Hampshire doesn't shut down when it snows... but I do :-) I got a lot of comments about that yesterday. That is one of the benefits of self-employment, I suppose. :-) Looks like my area is not going to get hit as badly as Massachusetts/Connecticut/Rhode Island... but I so very much want a snow day and still plan to take one :-)

Happy 5th birthday to my Gig!! Mike took this photo of him only about a week or two ago... sorry he looks yucky - he has a lot of eye gunk in this photo!! We try to keep him clean, but somehow got this photo taken before he got his eyes wiped. I can't believe my little guy is 5 already!!
OK, just a few short hours and I will be inundated with new passwords from Martina Weber... sigh... but I also think the new issue of The Gift of Stitching will be available too... yay, I am ready for the next part of the Papillon Creations Mystery Sampler!
Oh, right! Today is New DVD Release Tuesday - today's selection: Pride and Prejudice
Stitched on today: Garden Spot Sampler