With the start of a new month, there is also the start of a brand new SAL. This one is Just Nan's Barnabee's Quest, and if I remember correctly the participants are Michelle, Jenna, Leslie, Nicole and Andrea :-) Here is bands 1-3, plus some of the outer border. Nan's instructions say to stitch the outer border first. However, I could not find any technical reason why this was necessary. I started with the specialty stitch band at the top instead and eventually added in some of the border. I thought just doing the border for a while might get boring - but it turns out that this border is quick and easy, not boring anyhow. Also, I noticed after the fact that Nan says not to cross the quarter stitches atop the beeskep. I crossed mine. I didn't care for how they looked uncrossed - they just looked "wrong" to me. It was hard to put this one down tonight. Nan's samplers are always such fun to stitch. It was also great to start a project that has been in my stash for a long time now... 2001. I won't be able to stick to doing this one on Thursdays, though. I have another SAL starting tomorrow and will be doing that one Thursdays as of next week. I don't know if any of the ladies in this SAL want to join me in stitching this on another day - I have Monday and Friday open.
Goal Review Time:
January Goals:
1. Work on And A Forest Grew -
yes2. Start Long Dog Mystery Sampler -
yes3. Work on Houses of Hawk Run Hollow -
yes4. Stitch some gifts -
yes, stitched five5. Work on Paradigm Lost SAL with Jo -
yes6. Work on Bordeaux Sampler SAL with Anne and Leslie -
yes7. Stitch and post Dianne's Neighborhood RR -
yes, it is safe with Annemarie now***I also worked on The Mermaid and the Sea, resurrected Gathering Eggs and stitched an ornament for the new Christmas Ornament SAL***February Goals:
1. Start Barnabee's Quest SAL
2. Start Dawn, Fairy Spirit of Grace SAL
3. Work on And A Forest Grew
4. Work on 18th Century Band Sampler
5. Work on Houses of Hawk Run Hollow
6. Stitch some gifts
7. Work on Paradigm Lost SAL
8. Work on Bordeaux Sampler SAL
9. Work on Rachael's Neighborhood RR
10. Stitch an ornament for the Ornament SAL
11. Work on The Mermaid and the Sea
12. Work on Gathering Eggs
Stitched on today: The Mermaid and the Sea, Barnabee's Quest