I really hope that now that MTM is finished, I can get back into some kind of rotation again. That is what makes me happiest as a stitcher :-) Thanks for all the wonderful comments about MTM. I appreciate all of you so much! Tonight I got back to An Emblem of Love, the Monday SAL with
Karen. I really didn't think I would be able to get much done on this tonight, feeling a little exhausted from the weekend's marathon beading sessions on MTM. However, I surprised myself and did manage to get a bit done. It simply moved along really well for me. I adore this sampler, and am thrilled with my fabric choice for it. I got to personalize it tonight, which was fun. Mike got to see it :-) I am so impressed with the quality of this chart. It is the one and only Ellen Chester/With My Needle chart that I own, and I am really impressed with the parchment paper it is printed on.
Someone asked how I will finish off MTM - I will frame it! But... that may take a while, I have not saved up any money yet for that huge job!!
I mentioned a rotation in my title... I haven't figured my rotation out yet, but I am working on it... I do still have Mystery 9 to cope with so it will get more than one day per week for now... and a new SAL with Katrina coming up too!

Daylily: Constant Comment
Stitched on today:
An Emblem of Love
Emblem of Love is so pretty. Congratulations on completing MTM - you worked on that for a long time. Quite an accomplishment!
I love that design Carol :) I bet Mike was moved with the way you personalized it! :)
Emblem of Love is stunning! And I can imagine you would have to save ip some serious money to get MTM framed. I never have my projects framed, because it's simply too expensive. Which means I have quite a few huge unfinished pieces lying around in cupboards. Maybe some day, when my ship comes in...
The deisgn for Emblem of Love is just simply georgeous, Carol. Looking forward to seeing more.
Hugs xxxxxx
An Emblem of Love is so pretty and delicate. I love stitching delicate things, although I don't seem to do that very often. You're making me want to add this to my stash.
Nice progress on Emblem of Love, it's looking gorgeous
Very, very pretty--love the colours!!
It's looking so good, Carol!
Congratulations on the finish of MTM. When I look at it, all I can think is "buy & stitch" but when I hear from you how intense this project is, I think "wait & see". Emblem of Love is so lovely Carol. It must be a joy to work on.
Congrats on finishing MTM - it is so gorgeous! You have worked so diligently on it. Emblem of love is looking beautiful too. Glad to know I am not the only one with a ton of WIPs. I'm interested to see what your rotation is going to be...I could probably use one myself.
What a pretty piece. It is so soft and well, pretty. :D Awesome job! Ann.
How much fun it was for me to stumble upon for "Emblem of Love" in progress!
You are doing a beuatiful job, and I hope that you will send me a photo when you are finished.
I am glad to hear that you like the parcheent paper. I feel that it is easier on the eyes than white paper and also has a good weight to it.
With My Needle
PLEASE excuse my typos in my previous post.... I was horrifed when I saw them but can't figure out how to correct them.
Emblem is looking lovely! Its nice when you can get back to a proper stitching schedule isn't it?
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