Mike and I left for Hershey, PA this morning around 11:30 AM. It was a rather interesting trip. The weather couldn't have been a nicer - a warm, early autumn day. But, for some reason, Mike opted to take the GPS route option that took us through New York City and Newark, New Jersey. We managed to get to the city at rush hour. Suddenly, our trip was taking us much longer than we had planned.... we finally pulled over in New Jersey, near the Pennsylvania line, to get some dinner around 6 PM. We did not care for the restaurant at our first stop, so we decided to get back into the car and drive another half mile or so to another restaurant. But, when we got in the car, the GPS screen was black! A little bit of a panic here - we had not brought along any alternate directions to the hotel, we had been relying solely upon the GPS to get us there! Mike was annoyed, since his car is so new and now the GPS was not functioning! So, we went into the second restaurant, had a light dinner and returned to the car. The GPS was working again! We figured the screen simply got too hot from all of the driving we had done so far - and it was a warm day! Anyhow... we got there, and it took us 8 hours including the dinner break.
A quiet night and really nobody else was there yet. Not a lot of stitching to report, but did work on Blessings Be Thine in the car (until we got to the city - then it was sightseeing time) - and a tiny bit in the hotel room later, so here it is :-)
Stitched on today:
Blessings Be Thine
BBT is gorgeous, how do you manage to stitch in the car?
Nice stitching! Good to know that the GPS gets hot after a while. I don't have one in my car but I know alot of cars are coming with them.
BBT is looking goot. I love the colors in it.
My blog rolling has not been working so I didn't knwo you'd been posting while you were away. Now I need to go and catch up on all your other posts.
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