Why stop working on the mermaids now? I got right back at them tonight and finished up the lower tail. Then I got to work on the blue tail and realized that it is charted very differently than it appears in the photo on the chart. In the photo, much of the tail that is near the green base of her body is light blue... but on the chart we get to use dark green (DMC 500) and several darker blues in that area. I kept with how it is charted - it is prettier. But, I wonder what happened?? Anyhow, now I am getting excited to finish this project. Tomorrow I will be working on HOHRH, though.
Becky emailed me today to let me know that she doesn't think she will be able to work on HOHRH tomorrow. I am going to still stitch it, as I will be in Pennsylvania next Friday night and I don't plan to bring anything as large as HOHRH with me....
I got to thinking as I was stitching tonight about what Mirabilia I will start next. Some may recall that I feel that Mirabilias are such a pleasure to stitch (and Mike loves them), that I always want to have one going. I immediately thought of Bliss Fairy. That will most likely be my next Mirabilia start. But it occurred to me that my WIP list is still quite lengthy, so I will try to finish L&L's Angel of Love or Little Wings before I start another Mirabilia. I figure that will be a motivating reason to finish one of those L&L's :-)
As for the mermaids, I am really anxious for when
Sue starts them on her Silkweaver Ocean Fantasy belfast linen. I think they are going to be just stunning!!!

OK, here is my long overdue update of
Bordeaux Sampler - remember,
Anne, I warned you that you would laugh over how little I managed to get done in the past five weeks! I have been busily putting in time at work on a gift for a friend (which I finished today - then even did the finishing work - which I know nobody will believe - and it goes in the post tomorrow - oh my!!), so Bordeaux got pushed aside. I did spend about an hour today stitching that little cluster of over one grapes, though. Just a little tricky on 40 ct.!
I forgot to mention yesterday that I received my JCS 2006 Ornament Issue, and I just love it! There are 14 ornaments in it that I simply want to stitch.... me, stitch ornaments?? See how you all influence me??? LOL!

Daylily: Watermelon Time (thank you, everyone, for your lovely comments about my garden - I adore my garden as much as I adore stitching, and your sweet words are so appreciated!!)
Stitched on today:
Bordeaux Sampler, gift I cannot share yet and
Mermaids of the Deep Blue***And, someone else isn't "stopping now" - congratuations Big Papi on your record breaking home runs numbers 51 and 52 tonight! Nobody in Red Sox Nation ever doubted you would achieve this goal this year! You are just awesome!
Gosh you stitched that very quickly :o) it looks great!
Your mermaids are looking wonderful, Carol! Have a lovely day :)
Do continue Angel of Love, Carol!@ I've had that one in my stash since forever, and I really want to see someone making a bit of progress on that one. The Mermaids are lovely. Your choice of colours is the right one, I think. Good luck with the over one on 40 count (yikes!) and with the ornies!
I agree with Annemarie, do Angel of love next. Love mermaids progress.
You're right, why stop working on the Mermaids at this point. You're almost done, so keep going :). They get more & more beautiful every time I see them.
Have fun with your projects. Have a great weekend too. Ann.
I can not wait to see you stitch up some ornaments and to see your finishing. I bet you could do 5 or 6 ornaments in one sitting with as fast as you stitch!
Everytime you work on MotDB it makes me want to stitch faster. I don't know how you do so much in one sitting!
Your mermaids are looking fabulous, can't wait to see a happy dance soon!!
Your mermaids are looking gorgeous
I know what you mean. I hate when the chart does not match the model photo. I just started one the other day with a similar problem. Makes you wonder which version is the best!
Your Mermaids are looking so beautiful. The stitching will be done in no time, at this rate!
Oh, I love how those mermaids are looking, and I can't wait to see what you choose for your next project. Have fun in PA!
The Mermaids are pretty. I liked your other piece too it looked interesting even if it is slow progress. I agree with the others Angel of Love.
Go on.. start Bliss Fairy!!! LOL.. Thank you for 'missing' me sweetheart :)
Wah hey Carol........so glad you have had a go at a finish!!! This must have been a good experience for you to think of trying ornaments from JCS....lol....you'll put us all to shame and do them all in a month or something if you get away with them :-)))) Mermaids looks superb, I'm not sure what Angel of Love looks like as I tend to bypass big projects knowing I wouldn't finish one but I do look at them all in awe at all that stitching and like loads of them ;-)
Take care and have a great weekend
I have to admit, I have AOL on my 'to start in 2006' for one of my goals ... I wonder if I start December 30 if it counts! ;P And I'm not laughing with your Bordeaux progress at all ... I know with your turbo needles you'll be catching me up and overtaking me some time soon LOL. I hate doing the little over-one grapes on 36ct, never mind 40! You're a certified mad woman ... but in a nice way :D
It does seem odd that the colors of that area of the design appear to be so different from the photographed sample. Whatever happened, your looks spectacular! :D
Looking good Carol. I think you will be finished with this sooner than you can imagine. I am sure when you do ornaments-they will lovely too. Can't wait to see that.
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