First things first, it is Friday - and Friday is Houses of Hawk Run Hollow day. I finished the windows - even filled them in... but that is it. I totally agree with
Becky that these blocks each take quite some time to stitch! I was hoping to get considerably more done tonight, but just couldn't. If you are a fan of HOHRH, you won't want to miss this
very humorous blog, if you have not been enjoying it already :-) Too funny to miss!

Since I realized that this is not a good time at all to start a new project, what with my already very long list of WIPS (and with the exception of a short term SAL starting next month, of course), I decided to revive an old UFO. I have been wanting to revive this one for ages, and today was the day. This is Mermaid and the Sea by Examplers From the Heart. I started this three or four years ago. I am using Seamist 40 ct Graziano linen by The Blended Needle (now Heaven Lee Creations). The project is stitched with Weeks Dye Works floss - I love this project! I know I put it aside in the early days because it was my first large project on 40 ct and I think it overwhelmed me a bit. But 40 ct does not overwhelm me any longer - it is now my favorite linen count (I think you figured that out already) - so I am back to working on this one now too! I only gave it about 40 minutes today because it was HOHRH day - I finished the crew on the ship and the little gulls above their heads.

Daylily: Mother Superior
Stitched on today:
Mermaid and the Sea and
Houses of Hawk Run Hollow
Oh! I've never seen this one before! I love it!!!! It's totally cool.
40 count is still a struggle for me, but I think I need a better work light. Maybe I'll start dropping a few hints for Christmas. LOL!
Carol! You will absolutely love Mermaid and the Sea. I stitched this a few years ago and it is still one of my all time favorite pieces.
Thank you for the kind words about my blog.
You for you for taking the decision of finishinf an old UFO. The design is very pretty and sure you will enjoy finishing it :)
HOHRH is looking great and coming a long nicely. I love the Mermaid piece, that fabric is great!
Oh wow not seen that one before, it looks lovely. Mermaids look fantastic too Carol. I haven't touched mine for a while, as I have tons of other things to do at the moment.
Hugs xxxxxx
I have HoHRH in my stash and havn't started it yet - for now I'm just enjoying yours and everyone elses. You're making great progress even if it is slow going.
Off to check out that blog your referenced!
I love seeing updates on HOHRH. It's looking great! Oh, and Mermaid and the Sea is very pretty. I really like the fabric!
The Mermaid and the Sea is looking fantasic. 40 count is a challenge though!
I love the color on your Mermaid and the Sea and I'm wondering how true the computer color is to the original. I love 40 ct also, and am thinking, now that I find stitching on it to be "normal," that I might ratchet it up a notch to 42 or 45 (if they exist--I know that 48 and 50 do).
They're both gorgeous Carol, lovely to see Mermaid and the Sea.
Carol- there both lovely- I think I need to work a ufo day into my week. I have so many wonderful pieces that are half finished. I had never seen the mermaid sampler before. Very pretty!
They are both coming along nice. I love the Mermaid of the Sea one.
Great progress on HoHRH! I pulled mine out again and have been working on it, but I have quite a ways to catch up to you! LOL!
I really like your Mermaids of the Sea and will be watching your progress on this one. Great choice!
Hurrah for reviving this ufo! I haven't attempted 40 ct yet. Will have to look for a pretty piece next time I'm looking through a linen pile. :D
Good for you in reviving an old UFO! I like the design and will be happy to watch your progress on it. :)
HOHRH is really coming along beautifully! I love your Mermaid of the Sea, especially on the fabric you've chosen. Just gorgeous!
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