Well, NASCAR is arriving in New Hampshire for the weekend - the evidence was there as I crossed the state line into NH from Massachusetts on Rte 93 North coming home tonight - and drove right by J.J. Yeley's motor home (fancy shmancy - nice chrome exhaust pipes!) and one of his haulers (probably his personal vehicle or other equipment - not the one with the race cars in it). Too bad it wasn't Ryan Newman's! But, I did honk and wave :-)

I best get off to bed now. I must get up early for "therapy school" tomorrow (aka a conference for continuing education credits) - not a fun one tomorrow, this one is on HIPPA laws (the federal laws that govern client confidentiality) - ugh, boring! Fortunately, Mike is coming up to meet me for lunch! Eight hours of boring lectures by two lawyers!
Stitched on today: Bordeaux Mystery Sampler at work (a few stitches - will put up a WIP pic at the end of the week for Anne, although it is not much to share) and Mystery IX
I love how this project is coming together! And I have to laugh at the thought of Women of the Mayflower being a 'smaller' project. To me, it seems large. But I cannot imagine taking on something like a Chatelaine! I'm such a coward.
Thanks for sharing your WIPs each day. It's really great. Ann.
Mystery IX looks great. The colors looks very soft, which I like.
WOW! Mystery IX is really very pretty! I love the colors. You do really nice work.
Gorgeous! I love the overall effect the scrollwork is giving to the piece. You are making great progress.
Carol, the mystery sampler is awesome. That is so cool you are almost done with it. I thought NASCAR was headed this way. On my way home I saw a sign for speedway traffic to take exit 20. Stay away from 93South on sunday. :D Ann.
Ew! Hippa! I had an entire semester's class on this subject when I was going through my counseling classes...boring, but VERY important, which makes it a very hard subject to study, because you know it's important, and yet it seems so boring. I mean,they coulda just summed it up by saying, "Just keep your mouth shut!" Love your stitching, as usual!
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