Here is the final stitching on the first of the four corners on MTM... we are adding yellow roses that have algerian eyelets in them to finish off the mandala (Martina says they are roses, so roses they shall be!). Of course, there will be plenty of beads in these rose bushes before I am totally finished with this piece. With rain from Tropical Depression Ernesto due to come in tomorrow, I guess I should be able to sit down in front of some DVDs and get some more done on MTM. In fact, I will be working on it on Saturday and Sunday, up until my SAL commitments restart on Monday. Lots and lots of beading to do, as you know. I will still start the second corner tonight as well, but wanted to get this first photo up. Sorry I couldn't get a closer shot - those all came out overexposed.
I had some fun visiting with
Sue today. I got to see her finished When This You See when I was with her - it came out just beautiful!!
How do you share your finished pieces with others? Do you frame them, scan and/or photograph them, or do you have another method that you would like to share?A.
I am a flat media person, despite my desire not to be. So... I usually have my pieces framed. But then again, I have a very large drawer full of unframed projects. Just cannot afford to frame them all. I do post my finishes in my Yahoo albums in the sidebar of my blog as well - they get most of their exposure that way... since I usually don't have my drawer with me to show my work...*******************************************************
Daylily: Buttered Popcorn
Stitched on today:
Medieval Town Mandala
Ooooh, the rose bush is coming out very nicely. Can't wait to see it with the beads added! :)
We have the high winds and rain tonight. I like rain, so for me, it's just an interesting experience. And encouragement for lots of stitching!
Oh! I would LOVE to be able to stitch the weekend away and be rained in! You're very lucky. I had to venture out in the mess today :(
It looks just stunning. I am looking forward to seeing it with all the beads. Enjoy your weekend of stitching and stay out of the rain. It was icky down in my neck of the woods today:(
Great work on all your August goals too!
MTM looks stunning.... but I don't envy you the beading not my favourite part of a project.
Enjoy your stitching weekend :o)
I've run out of things to say about MTM, I mean how many times can you say "it's beautiful, it's gorgeous, it's stunning"? It is all of those and I admire you for taking on such a huge project. I hope to do this someday, hopefully sooner than later. Good to see you yesterday.
The roses are the perfect ending to this huge and gorgeous project--and I'm looking forward to seeing the beading on them.
Wow this is such a stunning project, I'm looking forward to seeing it finished
I agree with Karoline...Stunning!!
hugs :)
I can't wait to see the final photo. THe roses look wonderful, but then again, i've been partial to white roses. (sorry if they're not but they look like it to me in the photo) Have fun with the beading it's definately not on my favorites list.
It's sooo neat to see MTM really coming together at the end. The rose bush is great. You stitch so quickly. Good luck with the beads.
The mandala is stunning! It's so gorgeous! Martina's work is so wonderful I want to stitch all of them.
It's gorgeous Carol! Looking forward to that Happy Dance! :)
Congrats on your finish! It looks amazing.
(blogger won't let me sign in under my account)
LOL! Wouldn't we all look silly carting our 'drawers' of stitching with us!
Lovely floral photos. Wow. You have a beautiful garden growing around you.
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