Stormy days are good for stitching. OK, it wasn't like it was a hurricane today. But it was raining pretty heavily off and on, and it was windy, off and on... it counts as a stormy day. I did manage to get a good amount done on Part 10, so there is the possibility that I can finish this part tomorrow. I didn't quite get the alone time that I had fantasized about to stitch this today. There were morning errands to run. Then later, laundry to do... then grocery shopping this evening. Tomorrow should be much quieter. It does now look to me like this is the outer frame of the garden. But we have not used any of the Pebbles Waterlilies or the two skeins of a pretty periwinkle blue NPI.... hmmmm.... wonder what we do next. I know there is a center design being offered for this. Some stitchers opted to buy some baubles from Martina to put in the center. I bought them when we stitched Mystery VI online, and I did not care for them. I opted instead to stitch the personalization in the center and I love it - hopefully that is what I will be doing with Mystery IX. I didn't even bother to buy the baubles this time... I have the set for Mystery VI (now sold as Indian Summer Reflections) if anyone wants them!
I got an email from
Annemarie this morning, alerting me that my birthday package for her finally made it's way across the Atlantic Ocean to her home in the Netherlands - two weeks (or so) this time! I didn't take a photo of her entire birthday package (some of it was for Pelle, actually), but here is what I made for her...(I must give credit to Kiwi Jo - I borrowed this finishing technique, for the most part, from the fob she made for me for my birthday):
A Spot of Tea (portion of design)Dragon Dreams, freebie found hereSilkweaver 28 ct Moon Dust Opalescent LuganaDMC floss, Kreinik #4 braid, Mill Hill Petite BeadsStitched 10/10/06 - 10/13/06
Yes... here I go again - more fabrics to clear out! You see, I joined another Fabric of the Month with another dyer, so I need room in my fabric bins! These are tough ones to let go of, but.... I will! I hope you can see them well enough in the photo - all four are gorgeous!
Upper left: Silkweaver 32 ct Jobelan solo in lovely neutral browns, 18" x 26", $15 -
soldUpper right: Silkweaver 36 ct Edinburgh solo in blues/greens, 16" x 16", $10
-soldLower left: Silkweaver 32 ct Rocky Mountain Belfast (disc color), 18" x 18", $12 -
soldLower right: Sugar Maple Fabrics 28 ct Iris Annabelle (disc color), 18" x 27", $15
-soldThe usual.... $1 shipping per piece in US - let me know if you are out of US for a low shipping fee... PayPal only outside of the US... US stitchers, any form of payment!

Daylily: Leebea Orange Crush
Stitched on today:
Mystery IX
It looks to me like you made a huge amount of progress with this! I'll cross my fingers that you get another stormy day. ;>
Good luck with your beautiful fabbies - I can understand they must be very hard to get rid of!
Yet another drop-dead gorgeous fob ... now I know why Bordeaux was put to one side ;) Seriously very very gorgeous :D You're nearly there with this month's stitching - hang in there! Lovely RAK from Karen, BTW ... but I absolutely refuse point blank to look at more fabric (turning head, shielding her eyes LOL ... I'm not looking, I'm not looking). Look forward to seeing what else Martina has come up with for this design ... I have to admit, though, it doesn't really urge me to stitch this one as I've seen it growing - it will be interesting to see the final version :)
I'm just getting ready to post on myh blog, but just thought I'd pop round first to tell you again how much I love your pressies, Carol!
I do hope today will be render more alone time than yesterday. can't wait to see the rest of this Mystery!
OOh I like your other purple one as well, can I put my name forward if noones had it yet?
Your Chatelaine is looking lovely I wish I made such amazing progress on my Taj :o(
Lots of progress! And the fob is very cute and looks professionally finished.
Almost there on M9 Carol, your fob is gorgeous, congratulations
Amazing progress on M9! You should be done soon:)
I love that fob. It is adorable!!
It's really windy here today, but very sunny. The leaves are being whipped off the trees, lol! I knew you'd work through Part 10 and be ready for 11. :) I'm really curious to see how the next part relates and uses those gorgeous silks that are as yet unused.
Your fob for A. is perfect!
Wow! You did get a lot done! Hopefully you can finish it tomorrow. The package you sent Ann is nice too. I liked the scissor fobs.
I just knew you'd make good progress on that yesterday and today is a nice windy day to stay in some more :) The day can't decide if it's to be overcast or sunny - it's back to sunny right now so i'm enjoying that.
If the 36ct blue/green is still available I'd love to take that off your hands. Blues/greens/purples - all favorites :)
M9 is coming along well, not long to go now. Love the fob you made Annemarie, its lovely.
You may be tired of it, but it's certainly beautiful. Love the fob.
If no one else has claimed them, I'll take the other 2 fabrics you still have available.
mmshelle01 at yahoo
Great job on the French Garden mystery. I love watching your progress. I would love to buy or trade for the center embellishments for the Indian Summer Reflections if you still have them.
I never liked the trinket in the middle of Indian Summer Reflections either. I always thought it looked like a blob of phlegm! ROTFL.
Love your fob!
You are just flying along on the Mystery XI now. It's looking beautiful! The scissors fob turned out nicely as well.
The fob is cute, I love dragons. You've made amazing progress on M9 :o)
The fob is so adorable!
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