... to Mystery IX. I picked it back up again today. At least I got another of the small pools finished. Those are the easier/more enjoyable parts of Part 10... tomorrow I get to do one of those hedges again... can't say those are much fun. I just have to hang on a bit longer.
I still have some great hand dyed fabrics available for sale if anyone is interested - they are listed in yesterday's entry.
all are sold now
When I got up to blog, I found my two calico cats enjoying the sofa Mike uses (he is at his computer). Couldn't resist taking their photo - they do love to lie on magazines, newspapers, towels... whatever is comfy.
Gotta admit - having a not so great day. I had a miscommunication with a dear friend, and I don't think she is all that happy with me right now. I hate days like this.

Daylily: Yazoo Jim Terry
Stitched on today:
Mystery IX
{{{{Carol}}}} WTG on your progress on M9. I love the photo of the kitties they look very comfortable.
Mystery IX is looking sensational. Hope you can work things out with your friend quickly. Your kitties are gorgeous, and look so comfy!
Mystery IX is stunning Carol and I adore your kitties, they're too adorable. Hopefully you & your friend will have sorted out the misunderstanding soon. {{{Hugs}}}
Your Mystery IX is looking so amazing and you're cats are too funny. I'm sure your friend will understand when the miscommunication is properly explained--- after all, that is what being a friend is all about :)
Hope you get things sorted with your friend soon {{hugs}}. MIX is looking good :D
Your kitties are adorable. What is it with a cat's ability to seek out the tiniest piece of paper and their need to sit on it?
Sorry to hear of your miscommunication with a friend, Carol. Stuff like that totally brings me down, too. I hope things will soon be back on track. Take care!!
Love the piccy of your cats chillin out!! Hope you have things sorted now with your friend :-) Good progress on your stitching, I really do admire how you keep going with these type of designs....definately worth it in the end tho!!
Take care
Your Mystery Sampler is looking great. I loved the picture of your cats. Cats will make themselves to home anywhere!
I have to admire your dedication on Mystery IX...much though I love Chatelaines, I tend to get bored halfway through.
Hope you can sort out the misunderstanding with your friend soon {{hug}}
Hope you can get everything sorted out with your friend soon. That does make for a rough day. Big hugs! Your M9 and Women of the Mayflower are both looking fantastic. I showed Eric a pic of your M9 and said, "see honey, that's what it's supposed to look like."
I can't get over your dedication to that project! As for your friend--oh, dear. Hopefully things will work themselves out soon. Isn't it funny how kitties will scratch themselves up a nest?
hope things work your with your friend.Your cats are very cute.
((Carol)) ouch. Friendships are very important. I'm hoping you can work this thru. Sometimes stuff just happens. We are human and not perfect. Conflict[s] are obstacles I don't deal with very well. Sometimes I'd rather keep the peace than cause a 'discussion'. Hang in there.
LOL, your kitties are relaxing and lovin every minute of it!
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