Finished another page on Mermaid Heaven tonight - six down, and two to go! I think the Spring Ride SAL will not start until mid May, so I may get another week in on this one before I put it away.
Thank you, Italian Post!
Chiara finally received her birthday gift from me today!! I was getting worried about this one, after I recently learned some customs facts about Italy - there are many items that Italian customs prohibits in the mail... many are quite odd, including this one: "Haberdashery and sewn articles of any kind, including trimmings and lace; handkerchiefs; scarves; shawls, needlework including stockings and gloves; bonnets, caps, and hats of any kind." Of course, after it took almost three weeks for this wee fob to arrive in Italy from the USA, I was beginning to fear that customs had snagged it. Gratefully, they had not!!
The Little Bunny Fob Bent Creek32 ct Bay Rum Jobelan, Gentle Art Sampler ThreadsStitched 4/4/07 - 4/6/07The chart for The Little Bunny was sent to me as a RAK from
Karen recently. Now that I have stitched it, I would like to pass it forward to the first person who asks for it. There are still enough beads with the chart to stitch the design at least one more time. Please leave me a comment or send me an email if you would like to adopt this little chart :-)
***Chart has been adoptedAnd, the US Postal Service was right on target when it delivered this gift to
Sharon yesterday :-) I am glad you like it Sharon - and you were so surprised to receive it! You are a darling, and you deserve this wee little gift- I hope you have a lovely birthday on Sunday!!
Bee Fob Little House Needleworks/Country Cottage Needleworks40 ct lambswool linen, DMC flossStitched 4/16/07 - 4/20/07
Thank you to everyone who commented or emailed me concerned about my lack of joy in blogging of late. It will get better, and I appreciate all of you! There are some "things" that have been upsetting, but I am so grateful for the support! I love you all :-)
Stitched on today: Finished a gift, started a gift, and Mermaid Heaven