Instead of typing up a list of what I managed to get stitched in 2006, I decided to give a pictorial presentation... I didn't include my WIPS, only my finishes...
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Angus is Home

And, from Jenn, I received two charts from my wish list! She sent me Winter Beauty by Passione Ricamo and Ezmeralda's House by Brightneedle... as well as a pile of DMC floss! Jenn, you are wonderful - thank you!!!!
OK, headache... going to go rest and cuddle with Angus!
Stitched on today: Stitched on a gift, and 17th Century Irish Garden
Friday, December 29, 2006
A New Start... and a Big Angus Update
Blogger is very uncooperative tonight - could only upload one photo... used Photobucket for one, will post several photos of gifts received from stitchers for Christmas tomorrow... as long as Blogger is cooperating

With Mystery IX now finished, I am free - free to stitch whatever I want, whenever I want! Yay!! The only exception right now is the SAL with Jo on Tuesdays (Paradigm Lost), but that is great fun anyhow! So, I ended up starting And A Forest Grew tonight. I had planned to start it on 1/1/07, but I couldn't resist it tonight. I have decided to stitch it on Lakeside Linens 40 ct Navy Bean linen. I will start Hands To Work's Spring Violets on 1/1/07 instead. I got tired, though, and didn't do all that much on AAFG. I didn't even finish the last tree I started. I also spent a lot of time today on a new gift that I started, so I was pretty wiped out at this point.
I heard from Katrina today that she received a little RAK that I sent to her a while back... the holiday mail really slowed it down:
Tiny Little Quaker Fob
Papillon Creations
R&R Reproductions 40 ct Sheep's Straw Linen
DMC Color Variations Floss (Midsummer Night)
Stitched 12/14/06 - 12/15/06
Angus Update: He is coming home tomorrow :-) I am so excited that I can barely focus! This is another reason why I quit early tonight on AAFG. Mike and I got to see him today. He could have come home today, but I think he could use another day and night on the painkiller via IV. He was so excited to see Mike, and I can assure you Mike was just as thrilled. He is voiding on his own now (Angus is, that is!!). He will have an E-collar for a while so that he does not mess with his stitches. He is super sensitive there and we have to be really careful. His bill is paid ($4,500 folks!!) and now we are just waiting for him to come home. He sees the regular vet on Tuesday to begin his follow up care. In the meantime, I am surfing around to find pet insurance! Yikes, that is pricey too, isn't it??!!
Stitched on today: Started a gift, and And A Forest Grew
With Mystery IX now finished, I am free - free to stitch whatever I want, whenever I want! Yay!! The only exception right now is the SAL with Jo on Tuesdays (Paradigm Lost), but that is great fun anyhow! So, I ended up starting And A Forest Grew tonight. I had planned to start it on 1/1/07, but I couldn't resist it tonight. I have decided to stitch it on Lakeside Linens 40 ct Navy Bean linen. I will start Hands To Work's Spring Violets on 1/1/07 instead. I got tired, though, and didn't do all that much on AAFG. I didn't even finish the last tree I started. I also spent a lot of time today on a new gift that I started, so I was pretty wiped out at this point.
I heard from Katrina today that she received a little RAK that I sent to her a while back... the holiday mail really slowed it down:

Angus Update: He is coming home tomorrow :-) I am so excited that I can barely focus! This is another reason why I quit early tonight on AAFG. Mike and I got to see him today. He could have come home today, but I think he could use another day and night on the painkiller via IV. He was so excited to see Mike, and I can assure you Mike was just as thrilled. He is voiding on his own now (Angus is, that is!!). He will have an E-collar for a while so that he does not mess with his stitches. He is super sensitive there and we have to be really careful. His bill is paid ($4,500 folks!!) and now we are just waiting for him to come home. He sees the regular vet on Tuesday to begin his follow up care. In the meantime, I am surfing around to find pet insurance! Yikes, that is pricey too, isn't it??!!
Stitched on today: Started a gift, and And A Forest Grew
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Mystery IX Finished!

Angus Update: Angus had his surgery today. The surgeon called Mike right after she finished. She reported that there were no complications with the surgery and that she is "cautiously optimistic" about his recovery. I have to call the doctor at the emergency clinic tomorrow. I really wanted to call tonight for an update, and probably could have, but I am following directions... and kept busy with finishing Mystery IX... so, more info tomorrow! Mike and I both want to know, though, how this will improve his ability to void. He thinks the surgeon said that she flushed out his bladder, and all looked good. That should help!
Stitched on today: Finished a gift, and finished Mystery IX - oh boy, it really is sparkly :-)
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Surgery Is Scheduled

Now I can show you a little trinket I made for Karen, now that she has it... it is, according to the desinger, a pillow/pincushion. Halfway through stitching it I began to think, "Oh no, what is this??" But, Karen says she likes it, so... OK, here it is:

Angus Update: Angus is finally scheduled for PU surgery at 1 PM tomorrow. I don't know if I mentioned yesterday that an issue of kidney stones arose yesterday. Seven days into hospitalization, they decided to take an x-ray - since he was not voiding on his own. It turned up he has kidney stones - two in his kidney and 3-4 in the ureter (did I spell that right??) between his kidney and his bladder. They are the kind that they cannot dissolve with medication. So, they wanted to do a pricey (very pricey) ultrasound to see if those have to be removed. They did that today - and see no damage to his kidney (whew!!) but not sure about the ureter. Anyhow, for now, he is going in for the PU surgery. I cannot bring myself to tell you how much they estimate that will cost. However, suffice it to say, that is is ultra high. I got some comments and emails from caring folks saying it is often difficult to decide how much is too much to spend on pet treatment. But when you see how he is otherwise so healthy and well, so full of life and interest in all that is around him, then it is not even an option to quit on him. I am just glad Mike and I do have the resources to pay for this - although it does mess up what we planned to save this year. So, if you are inclined to pray for animals, Angus could sure use some prayers right now!
The worst part of this whole vet experience so far has been how the vets just really brush off how darn expensive their services are. When you can finally get them to talk about money, they sandwich it in between two other topics or statements... and give you no time to react, and when you kinda joke and say "gulp" or whatever, they say, "yeah, I know... oh, and his ultrasound will be another $315." I wonder how they feel when their own pets need emergency care - are they also stunned by the expense?
Stitched on today: Stitched on a gift, and Mystery IX
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
A visit with Angus

Angus Update: My brother dropped Nicole off at my house bright and early this morning, so she was interested in coming to the vet with me. I thought we would meet with the doctor to set up his PU surgery, but I was told when I got there that she was getting ready to call me. They decided to take an x-ray yesterday, and it revealed that he has some kidney stones. They are the type that cannot be dissolved :-( So... do they do the PU? Do they go in and remove the stones? Will the stones pass on their own after his urethra is widened due to the PU? No answers. That is the theme, you know. We want timelines, and we aren't getting any. Mike spoke with the vet today, and she was to do an ultrasound this afternoon and let us know tomorrow what surgery (or surgeries) are needed. Of course, the price is going up, up, up. But... on a good note, I asked if I could see Angus and the vet was happy to oblige. She brought him into the exam room and left us alone for well over an hour together. He was really excited after it took him a couple of moments to realize Nicole and I were there. He was eager to hug my hands and hers with his head... then he even hugged part of the exam table - LOL! His spirits are bright. He has his catheter in and his IV in. His face was dirty with medication, so I spent a lot of time cleaning him up and grooming him. I called Mike and put the cellphone near Angus - he responded rather dramatically to hearing Mike on the phone. It was good to see him doing this well, even though he has issues that need to be resolved. I took photos with my cellphone, but Mike needs to transfer them to his phone and then to my computer. He was busy programming tonight, so I will ask him tomorrow. Hopefully I can post a cute photo of him tomorrow :-)
Wow, so many stitching bloggers have or had ill pets lately! My sincerest condolences to Red over the loss of her kitty in recent days! How tragic! And well wishes to Joanie for her dog, and Mary for her kitty - both are ailing too! As well, I hope Jo's Emma is recovering too! {{{Hugs}}} to you all!!
Stitched on today: Started a gift, and Paradigm Lost
Monday, December 25, 2006
Surgery for Angus?

Angus was catheterized yet again today. He still is not urinating on his own and the vet says his urethra remains inflamed. She feels he is a good candidate for a surgery called P.U. I have to call tomorrow and see if I can reach a surgeon there to get more info. This is very scary. I found a website here that in some parts sounds like they are writing about Angus. Near the bottom they describe the surgery. He will be a eunich who runs the risk of infections for life after surgery... but, if all stays as it is now he is not voiding. There are many risks with constant catheters as well.... Angus needs prayers right now. I feared she was going to suggest putting him down today. The vet tech sounded worried and took my number for the doctor to call me. Mike and I both looked at each other and wanted to bust into tears. I feel such a responsibility towards my cat, and this will get much more expensive... but I can't walk away from him, as long as he has a good shot with surgery...
Merry Christmas to everyone! We brought my 13 year old niece with us to breakfast at my MIL's, and then the day was our own. Tomorrow my brother is going to bring our 15 year old niece up to visit, and I think Mike arranged with my SIL for us to keep them until Thursday. Yay!! I got some wonderful gifs - Gingher Cheetah 4" embroidery scissors, a beautiful sweater, DKNY Be Delicious cologne, plenty of body wash & lotion, Yankee Candle (Christmas Cookie), another huge DVD rack (my fourth) and even some DVDs ( The Devil Wears Prada and Ice Age: The Meltdown), gift cards... so many nice things. And, lots of nice gifts from stitching friends! I hope to photograph it all tomorrow to share! Wow, I am spoilt this year!!!
50F and clear on Christmas Day in New England??!! Wow! Loved it!
Stitched on today: Finished a gift, and Mystery IX
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Beading, Beading, Beading

We had a nice Christmas celebration at my brother's house today - and my niece, Erin, grabbed the camera and took about 120 photos for me - but it looks like I deleted them on my computer using Picasa. I think I can still retrieve them, but am just too tired right now. Hopefully I will have them soon. Tomorrow we go to MIL's for breakfast, and we will be picking up my nieces Erin and Nicole to come and stay up here in New Hampshire with us for a couple of days :-)
I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday!
Angus Update: He is still at the emergency vet, racking up a bigger bill. I called them at 6:45 PM. The plan was to remove his catheter at 5:30 PM. I learned that was changed to 7 PM when the vet herself was due to come in. They were going to continue the IV fluids so that he will void soon. We need to see if he can do that easily. His absence is really starting to wear on me...
Stitched on today: Stitched on a gift, and Mystery IX
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Ornaments Galore!

Angus Update: He is behaving well and reportedly doing well with his catheter. We have no news on blood levels or kidney values today. He is due to get off the catheter tomorrow evening. I told them not to rush with that, although am a bit worried - as of 5 PM tonight his bill was a bit over $1,300 already. Thanks so much for all the prayers for him! I will probably list some wonderful fabrics and stash for sale again soon. I am hoping to help defray some of his expenses that way... every little bit will help!!
Wow, it is almost Christmas Eve already! We will be spending much of the day at my brother's house in Bradford, Massachusetts tomorrow.... I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve!
Stitched on today: Started a gift, and Mystery IX
Friday, December 22, 2006

Well, Angus did not come home today. I called the vet this morning and she said he did not void on his own. He either has another obstruction, is inflamed or has kidney damage. She put him back on the catheter, this time for 48 hours. I hope this time it all clears up... and I pray there is no damage to him. We are not exactly sure when he first took ill. It was so hectic here, and it is hard to track the use of the litter box by six cats.... what if he was ill for a while and we did not realize it? That is possible, and scary. Thank you all for your well wishes, support and prayers. Angus needs them right now...
Stitched on today: Finished a gift, and Mystery IX
Thursday, December 21, 2006
He almost came home today...

Well, Angus almost came home today. When I called the vet this morning, I was informed that his catheter would be coming out around 10 AM, and to call around 1 PM to see if he has voided on his own. If he has, he can go home. Well, I called a few times, but the little guy doesn't seem to want to void his bladder yet. They checked him, and said his bladder is still very small, so he doesn't have to go. At 3:20 PM the vet tech told me that Angus was sitting up, looking at the box, and likely giving it some thought. At 5:30 I was told they would call me when he voids. But it is now after 11 PM with no call, so I imagine Angus went to sleep! I hope he gives it a try tomorrow! Meanwhile, Mike and I are overwhelmed with the well wishes Angus has received from you all - thank you so much - you have really helped during this difficult time!!
Christmas vacation is officially underway as of today!! I hope to finish Mystery IX, finish the gift I am working on, make two more gifts and kit up/start And A Forest Grew (plan to start on 1/1/07) during this vacation! Oh, and do a bunch of non-stitching related things as well!
Stitched on today: Stitched on a gift, and Mystery IX
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Mystery IX and Update on Angus

On a lighter note, one of my clients found this blog to be humorous - Stuff On My Cat - thought I would share it with you. I think this person has way too much time on her or his hands!! LOL
Stitched on today: Stitched on a gift, and Mystery IX
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Angus is in the hospital :-(

New DVD Release Tuesday - got Lady in the Water
Stitched on today: Bordeaux Sampler and Paradigm Lost
Monday, December 18, 2006
Mermaid and the Sea Update

I got an email from Anne tonight (from work, as her home phone is now dead) letting me know that she received a package from me today. She called herself "Gobsmacked," and I must say I love that term! I was recently admiring my "And A Forest Grew" chart, planning out that I will be starting it on January 1st as a big start for the new year... and I saw that there is a cute scissor fob chart in the leaflet. A quickie! So, I grabbed supplies and stitched it up. As I was stitching, it occurred to me that it would suit Anne - she loves birds, is a dear friend, and I had a little package of beads I needed to send to her anyhow! So... she got RAK'd by me....

Here is the back of the fob....
Three more days until Christmas vacation!
Stitched on today: Bordeaux Sampler, stitched on a gift, and Mermaid and the Sea
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Bordeaux Sampler Update/More Gingher Info

I got a few emails about the Gingher scissors Mike is now selling. He says he will have the Julia and Cheetah scissors in tomorrow. He has only the 4" embroidery scissors. He will happily sell those to my blog readers directly, just let me know if you want some. I don't know exact prices, but all are in the low 20's - he had to pay different prices for each style, so he will calculate from there as soon as he can. There has been a wonderful response from many of you - thanks for that! He will likely be getting more Ginghers in the near future - he likes them too :-) (And a little birdie told me a pair of Cheetahs will be in my stocking this year too!).
Stitched on today: Started a gift (spent a lot of time on that) and Bordeaux Sampler
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Looking for Gingher Scissors, anyone?

Are you looking for a pair of Gingher Lanell scissors? My husband picked up several pair and is selling them on ebay (he has a start up ebay business going, and is doing very well, super well actually with it). He will happily ship outside of the US, so I thought you might like a peek at these good deals of his - one is an active auction, and the other is a Buy It Now deal, if you want them straight away!!
Gingher Lanell live auction
Gingher Lanell Buy It Now auction
Mike will have Julias and Cheetahs available in just a couple of days as well... if anyone is interested, just let me know.
Stitched on today: Mystery IX
Friday, December 15, 2006
Does anyone know...?

I have been wondering about a few ladies I used to stitch round robins with years ago - I have totally lost touch with them, but was wondering if anyone who reads my blog knows any of these ladies? And if so, do you have email or snail mail addresses for them? I will list the ones whose names come immediately to mind... may list more later, just have to think about them and remember some last names still... Any help would be so appreciated, they are lovely people, and thanks in advance!
***Laurie Earl in Utah
***Verneil Chaouch in Minnesota
***Vicki Hand in Florida
***Lynda Huffman in California
***Cecilia Swanson in Indiana....
I still have some gorgeous fabrics for sale... I am seeking PayPal as payment - shipping is very low, $1.50 for one piece in the US and will set a low price for multiples or for non-US shipping - not looking to make money on you - just letting fabrics go to help out a good can see photos of the fabrics here - still available are:
Silkweaver Morning Dew 36 ct Edinburgh Linen, 18" x 26", $17 -sold
Silkweaver Golden Promise 36 ct Edinburgh Linen, 18" x 26", $17
Lakeside Linens Misty Rain 36 ct Edinburgh Linen, 18" x 27", $17 -sold
Sugar Maple Fabrics Atlantis 28 ct Jubilee, 18" x 27", $15
R&R Reproductions Fanci Blue 32 ct linen, 12" x 21.5", $12

Stitched on today: Finished a gift, and Mystery IX
PS - why do so many call fabrics "fabbies"? What's wrong with the word "fabric"?
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Back to the garden!

And, I got an email from Karen today, letting me know she has received her birthday gift... this one took the very slow plane to the UK! But, since I mailed it two weeks before her birthday, it arrived in time... I posted on 12/4 and her birthday is 12/18.... this time, I did not let the slow post to the UK mess anything up. I chose this design, which I would love to stitch for several of my blogging pals, because Karen is one of the first stitchers I met while blogging... along with Isabelle, Katrina, Dani, Becky, Shelleen, Karen V, Jo, Bea, Nikki... I know I am missing some of the older blogging pals here... but you are all special to me! Thanks for being here. Having you lovely friends is so important to me - thanks for your kindness and support! Anyhow, here is what I made for Karen...

Stitched on today: Started another important gift that will need to travel far (gulp) and Mystery IX
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
An Emblem of Love is Finished!
By the time I finished stitching a Christmas gift that must go out in the mail immediately (I did get it done!), I did not feel like dragging out Mystery IX and the big Q-Snaps for it... while also visiting with my FIL who is now here for the week... so I pulled out An Emblem of Love instead, and managed to finish it!! May I present:

An Emblem of Love
With My Needle
Lakeside Linens 40 ct Vintage Bittersweet
DMC floss, Gentle Art Sampler Threads, Olde Willow Stitchery Hand-Dyed Threads
Stitched 8/21/06-12/13/06 for Mike, as SAL with Karen V.
I got an email from Isabelle today, letting me know that a small RAK that I made for her has arrived (finally) on the slow plane to Paris... I have wanted to stitch this little fob design since it came out in The Cross Stitcher (UK) last year (I think July 2005).... and I ended up ordering one of Silkweaver's scrap bags (I cannot recall what they called this option) during their Halloween sale... and couldn't resist one of the gorgeous solos in that pack - I just had to play with it! So earlier this month I spent an afternoon putting the fob chart on a small piece of the solo, and it ended up being a RAK for Isabelle - as I was working on it, it just seemed to suit her so well! Now, if the birthday package I sent to another friend in the UK on the same day would just arrive, all would be well!
Cattitudes Fob
Margaret Sherry in The Cross Stitcher, July 2005
DMC floss
Silkweaver Cashel Solo
Stitched 12/3/06
Wow, it is amazing how mild December has been here in the Northeast!! I hope it lasts for awhile! And... welcome to the Boston Red Sox, D. Matsuzaka! (I won't even try to spell his first name) - better known around here as the $105 Million Dollar Man!!! And, welcome back Doug Mirabelli!!!!!!! (Couldn't resist sharing some Red Sox joy!)
**I cannot post comments to many blogs right now that use Beta Blogger, so I apologize - I have visited your blogs and have tried to comment, but if you also do not take annonymous comments, then I cannot leave anything right now. I don't want to switch to Beta Blogger as I have heard horror stories and don't want to switch to a plain template again. I know others are going through these same difficulties. Maybe Blogger will fix it, I hope so.
Stitched on today: Finished a gift (whew!!) and An Emblem of Love

I got an email from Isabelle today, letting me know that a small RAK that I made for her has arrived (finally) on the slow plane to Paris... I have wanted to stitch this little fob design since it came out in The Cross Stitcher (UK) last year (I think July 2005).... and I ended up ordering one of Silkweaver's scrap bags (I cannot recall what they called this option) during their Halloween sale... and couldn't resist one of the gorgeous solos in that pack - I just had to play with it! So earlier this month I spent an afternoon putting the fob chart on a small piece of the solo, and it ended up being a RAK for Isabelle - as I was working on it, it just seemed to suit her so well! Now, if the birthday package I sent to another friend in the UK on the same day would just arrive, all would be well!

Wow, it is amazing how mild December has been here in the Northeast!! I hope it lasts for awhile! And... welcome to the Boston Red Sox, D. Matsuzaka! (I won't even try to spell his first name) - better known around here as the $105 Million Dollar Man!!! And, welcome back Doug Mirabelli!!!!!!! (Couldn't resist sharing some Red Sox joy!)
**I cannot post comments to many blogs right now that use Beta Blogger, so I apologize - I have visited your blogs and have tried to comment, but if you also do not take annonymous comments, then I cannot leave anything right now. I don't want to switch to Beta Blogger as I have heard horror stories and don't want to switch to a plain template again. I know others are going through these same difficulties. Maybe Blogger will fix it, I hope so.
Stitched on today: Finished a gift (whew!!) and An Emblem of Love
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Another excellent mail day!

It's New DVD Release Tuesday! Two this week! Talladega Nights (couldn't resist a NASCAR themed movie...even though I don't think Ryan is in this at all), and World Trade Center (my BIL is an extra in this movie - he plays a fireman who helps to rescue Nicolas Cage from the WTC).
Well, my FIL arrives tomorrow for a week. He is coming up from Florida, as his father, Mike's grandfather, was recently put in a nursing home in Massachusetts. It will be a busy week for them of getting Grandpa's old apartment cleaned out and things organized....
***KaLu, I saw your comment in my blog recently, but cannot find an email to reach you - if you want to talk about the fabric you want to buy, please email me at the email address listed in my sidebar in the "About Me: More..." section, under the icon of the girl writing in her diary - thanks!
Stitched on today: Stitched on a gift, and Paradigm Lost
Monday, December 11, 2006
Thank You Karen!!!

And, I got an email from Becky tonight, letting me know that a little fob I stitched for her has arrived (the post if officially slowing down now for the holiday!). I have wanted to stitch something for Becky for the longest time now. She has sent me so many gorgeous hand made gifts over the past year or more... and now I finally got to send her something! I also was feeling she needed some cheering up! I hope it helped.

Stitched on today: Started a gift, and An Emblem of Love
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Not a lot of Stitching Mojo Today

I spent most of the day doing round one (the family round) of our Christmas cards, and doing the laundry... now to go put that laundry away and spend some time trying to find the perfect gift to stitch for a dear friend - I have looked several times with no luck, getting frustrated - sure many of you can relate!
Stitched on today: Mystery IX
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Well, it's something... and Gingher Heaven

I still have some lovely hand-dyed fabrics for sale - the ones still available are listed below, and you can scroll down to yesterday's entry to see their photos.
Silkweaver Morning Dew 36 ct Edinburgh Linen, 18" x 26", $17 -sold
Silkweaver Golden Promise 36 ct Edinburgh Linen, 18" x 26", $17
Lakeside Linens Misty Rain 36 ct Edinburgh Linen, 18" x 27", $17 -sold
Sugar Maple Fabrics Atlantis 28 ct Jubilee, 18" x 27", $15
R&R Reproductions Fanci Blue 32 ct linen, 12" x 21.5", $12
Silkweaver Tuttie Fruitie 28 ct Cashel Linen, 18" x 26", $17 -sold
Thank you to everyone who left comments and emails about my first Christmas ornament :-) I really appreciate the support! I already posted it off to a friend yesterday - I hope she likes it!!
Stitched on today: Started and finished a gift, and Mystery IX
Friday, December 08, 2006
Lots of Hand-Dyed Fabrics For Sale
I finished my first Christmas ornament today - I stitched one from the December issue of The Gift of Stitching Magazine. The chart calls for tons of french knots, which I am loathe to do. But, she does offer an alternate idea of using Mill Hill 03003 beads... and it turns out I had them, so I used them insetad - very glad I did! I used a simple loop with the cording at the top for hanging, but when Mike took the photo he looped it like two bunny ears - no idea why... but I didn't create some kind of strange finishing technique, although it looks that way!
I am going to let go of quite a few hand dyed linens right now. PayPal is required. Shipping is $1.50 for one piece in the US, and I will give you a discount, of course, on shipping if you buy more than one. Good shipping rates outside of the US too - just leave a comment here or email me (see the About Me section in my sidebar for my email address) if you want any of these!
Back row left to right:
Silkweaver Morning Dew 36 ct Edinburgh Linen, 18" x 26", $17
Blended Needle Enchanted Night 36 ct Edinburgh Linen, 13" x 18", $12 -sold
Lakeside Linens Autumn Red 36 ct Edinburgh Linen, 18" x 27", $17 - sold
Front row left to right:
Country Stitch Kiwi Antiques Barley 35 ct linen, 18" x 26", $15 - sold
Silkweaver Golden Promise 36 ct Edinburgh Linen, 18" x 26", $17
Lakeside Linens Misty Rain 36 ct Edinburgh Linen, 18" x 27", $17
Back row left to right:
Sugar Maple Fabrics Atlantis 28 ct Jubilee, 27" x 36", -sold half, other half still available, 18" x 27" for $15
Sugar Maple Fabrics "Oddball" (lavender/grey) 32 ct Belfast Linen, 18" x 27", $15 - sold
R&R Reproductions Fanci Blue 32 ct linen, 12" x 21.5", $12
Hidden Treasures Winter Sky 28 ct evenweave, 18" x 27", $10 -sold
Silkweaver Romantic Interlude 40 ct Newcastle Linen, 15" x 16", $10 -sold
Silkweaver Tuttie Fruitie 28 ct Cashel Linen, 18" x 26", $17 -sold
I took a photo of the little bit of snow we got this morning... our first snow of the season... but wouldn't you know, I cannot find where I stored it in my computer!
Stitched on today: Finished Red Berries ornament, and Mystery IX
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Corner Close Up

I have been busily devoting a ton of time already this month to working on more gifts... I hope I can finish those as well as Mystery IX....
Might get our first snow in the morning. I have tomorrow off, as chance would have it. However, fate has it that my Jeep is at the dealership lot right now awaiting a repair to the remote auto starter, and the Chrysler is a couple of miles down the road with a "For Sale" sign on it... so, if we get the possible 3" of slick stuff tomorrow, that leaves us with only a Corvette to get around in?? Well, the good news is that it should only be a morning event... we'll see... if we can at least get to the Chrysler, we should be OK!! LOL
Stitched on today: Started an ornament, Blessings Be Thine and Mystery IX
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Mystery IX Update

New DVD Release Tuesday is a day late for us this week, and of course, like everyone else, we got Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - definitely going to watch this one in the next couple of days!!
Stitched on today: Finished a gift, and Mystery IX
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