Back to Mystery IX - it was easier to pull this out and set it up on the big Q-Snaps now that all of our houseguests have left. I am hoping to have the rest of the stitching done tomorrow, or Friday at the latest. Then the beading will begin. There is a bright light at the end of this tunnel now!

Oh my gosh, thank you all for your wonderful comments and emails about my Angus! Here is a photo of him when he was a year old (he is the black one, Beau is behind him) and had just had his first shave. Angus' coat mats up very easily. I have spoken with the vet a couple of times today. Angus is on his catheter and the urine continues to flow freely with some blood still in it. He will likely be on the catheter until at least tomorrow morning. At some point they will do blood tests on him again to see if his levels have improved. This part makes me nervous. If they stay as high as they were last night, that would indicate that he has some damage, whether it is renal or bladder. I really am nervous about that, and want to thank everyone for their well wishes and support. I wish I had more news today, but the best I can say is that he is stable and "being a good boy" in the hospital. I am going to ask if I can go and visit him after work tomorrow. I will surely continue to keep you posted.
On a lighter note, one of my clients found this blog to be humorous -
Stuff On My Cat - thought I would share it with you. I think this person has way too much time on her or his hands!! LOL
Stitched on today: Stitched on a gift, and
Mystery IX
Poor Angus, at least he sounds stable.
Stuff on my cat has a rip off calendar that I saw in the mall, so they are making some moola from their silly site. Cosmo wants to just sit on stuff like bubble plastic, etc. He doesn't like stuff on him.
Poor little sweetie! I hope he gets better soon! Hopefully by the morning he will be doing much better and can come home soon.
Poor little Angus! I will be thinking only good thoughts for him and hopefully he will be feeling much better very soon!! I am so glad you knew to get him into the vet asap!! I bet he will be doing much better and able to come home soon!!
Poor Angus, I really hope he gets better soon and comes home again.
Hugs Su
Poor little guy :(
You're almost there on Mystery XI!!
Hope Angus gets better soon!! Your wips are beautiful as always, your PL is comng along quickly.
I hope Angus is better soon and that you get some good news on his conditions. What a beautiful cat!
Your MIX looks great! Sending good thoughts to poor Angus. I hope he feels better soon. I'm sure the vet will let you see him, and that will make him feel a little better, knowing mommy misses him!
Ohhh poor Angus. I hope you get to see him today. Give him a big hug from all of us. I hope he's well enough to come home soon. {{Hugs}}
Woops. that post above is from me Carol...I didn't realize that Paul was signed into his blog account till after I posted. :)
Hope Angus gets to feeling better and there is no permanent damage. At least he is improving so that's good. Your Mystery Stitch piece is looking great.
Hope that Angus turns out ok-he's very cute.
I hope Angus is OK and that he gets to come home soon!
Poor little cat, I hope he feels better soon.
Your MIX looks great
OH my, Carol...I've been busy and haven't visited in a couple of days...so sorry to hear about Angus. I hope that he continues to improve. What a terrible feeling I'm sure that was for him. Good wishes for Angus recovered health!
Awww poor Angus, hope he improves with each day.
Myster IX is looking great, won't be long before your next HD
Hugs xxxx
I have been away for a couple days and just checked in--Oh, poor baby (and I mean you as well as Angus)! Sending best wishes to you and Mike and the kitties!
Oh Carol, I am sorry to hear Angus has had so much trouble. Glad he is feeling better and hope he gets home soon.
Mystery IX looks great-can't wait to see it with the beads.
Poor old Angus. Hopefully he is on the mend.
Mystery XI is getting real close to being finished. Fingers crossed for some speedy beading sessions. :)
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I'll continue with my crossed fingers that the final news for Angus will be good. You take care!!!!
I missed your post yesterday Crol so belated hugs for Angus and I hope he gets better soon and there's no lasting damage. Poor sweetie. It's awful when our pets are sick :(
Lulu gets very stressed with visitors and has problems peeing - as if she's got an infection but it's just stress. Our vet says it's quite common.
Hi Carol, I too haven't been by in a few days so missed the news about Angus, I'll be thinking of you both and sending lots of positive vibes your way :) I hope he's back home with you, Mike and your other darling kitties very soon. Lots of hugs xx
so very sorry to hear about your cat Angus & his health issue(s). Will remain hopeful for his recovery. He is such a beautiful cat. Take care
Mystery continues to look great, and I'm glad that Angus appears to be doing better. I'll keep him in my thoughts and hope that he continues to improve and has no lasting damage.
If you get to visit Angus take him a sweatshirt,flannel shirt, something of yours that you have worn (not washed) so that he has the scent of home and something familiar with him. Can you tell I've been through the kitty hospital stuff. Hugs and kisses from me and my three fur babies to Angus.
Shirley, Connecticut
You know my best thoughts are with you for little Angus. I know that with so many well wishes coming his way, he will be fine.
Oh dear! I am just catching up with my blog reading. I hope Angus gets better. Hopefully he will be home soon. Maybe it was the houseguests and he'll feel better when he has his home back to himself.
On a brighter note... You are doing great with Mystery XI. It's almost done. I have loved watching this piece come to life. Thanks!
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