With Mystery IX now finished, I am free - free to stitch whatever I want, whenever I want! Yay!! The only exception right now is the SAL with Jo on Tuesdays (Paradigm Lost), but that is great fun anyhow! So, I ended up starting And A Forest Grew tonight. I had planned to start it on 1/1/07, but I couldn't resist it tonight. I have decided to stitch it on Lakeside Linens 40 ct Navy Bean linen. I will start Hands To Work's Spring Violets on 1/1/07 instead. I got tired, though, and didn't do all that much on AAFG. I didn't even finish the last tree I started. I also spent a lot of time today on a new gift that I started, so I was pretty wiped out at this point.
I heard from Katrina today that she received a little RAK that I sent to her a while back... the holiday mail really slowed it down:

Angus Update: He is coming home tomorrow :-) I am so excited that I can barely focus! This is another reason why I quit early tonight on AAFG. Mike and I got to see him today. He could have come home today, but I think he could use another day and night on the painkiller via IV. He was so excited to see Mike, and I can assure you Mike was just as thrilled. He is voiding on his own now (Angus is, that is!!). He will have an E-collar for a while so that he does not mess with his stitches. He is super sensitive there and we have to be really careful. His bill is paid ($4,500 folks!!) and now we are just waiting for him to come home. He sees the regular vet on Tuesday to begin his follow up care. In the meantime, I am surfing around to find pet insurance! Yikes, that is pricey too, isn't it??!!
Stitched on today: Started a gift, and And A Forest Grew
I am so glad to hear the good news about Angus Carol. What a relief. My gosh, it certainly pays to be a vet these days doesn't it. $4500, ouch, but at least you will have your dear little cat home!!
Wow that is a big bill. Glad he will be home again tomorrow/today. Your strat looks great and I know the feeling being without a piece you have to stitch on each month to keep up with it.
Love your RAK fob - it's exquisite! And your start on AAFG is great. I'm also itching to start on this.
I'm glad Angus is coming home. Hooray!
Yay...Angus is coming home! And congrats also on your Mystery finish yesterday; it looks so beautiful!
LOVE the fob you stitched for Katrina; the color choice is gorgeous.
Your Chatelaine looks wonderful, I've so enjoyed watching you make progress on it! Congratulations
uuuuhhh Carol, I can't believe you started And a Forest Grew....I'm so in love with this one ;-)
As I saw you started it I straight went to my linen cabinet and had a look at my hoards. I found a very nice creamy 35ct piece....and now I'm trying to withstand the temptation.....
Such wonderful news about Angus, I'm glad he's coming home.
Love your wee fob RAK, You are steaming away with these now and thay are all so lovely.
I'm so glad to hear that Angus is coming home, such good news.
Nice start on AAFG, that one is on my wish list so I shall be following your progress with interest
YAY! I'm so happy to hear he's doing better and coming home! I'm sure Angus is very happy about it, too! He's worth every penny!
Your stitching looks great! YOu've got a great start on AAFG!
Oh, I am so glad that Angus is coming home today. I bet you are all excited, including Angus and his fellow furkiddos! :)
Oh Carol I am so happy to hear that Angus is doing well!!! It is worth every penney but wow 4500.00 is lots isn't it! I would have done everything I could as well. I am having problems with the vet refilling Blossom's thyroid without an expensive test right now and she just has to have that to keep her from making stones. I am kind of frusterated, but my husband says we will get her the medicine she needs. I am very glad to hear your good news today!!! Debby
I'm so happy to hear that Angus is doing well!!
Congratulations on the Chatelaine finished! I'm still way back at step 1 *lol*
Oh, it's Carissa here :) I've started blogging again!!!!! yeah :) Life is back to normal and everyone is happy and healthy.
Hugs to you!
Hooray for Angus! I'm SO glad he's OK and coming home. That's a whopping bill - hope you find some decent insurance :)
The new start looks lovely and so does Katrina's fob :)
Glad to hear Angus is coming home! I know you will be very relieved and happy. Your scissor fob for Katrina is gorgeous!
What a wonderful new start. I can't wait to see more:)
I am so glad to hear that Angus is doing well and will be home soon! I am sure he is glad too:)
I just called by to read about Angus and I'm so pleased to read he is coming home for you both. Vet bills are huge we had a massive one for my cat Marsha's twin Maisie but unfortunately she still had to be put to sleep at 12 weeks as they found out she had something called Porto Systemic Shunt, it broke my heart as she was the most interesting kitten ever...a real character whilst she was here and we only were able to have her for 4 weeks which was so sad. Because of that I do have the insurance for both Hamish and Marsha, it is expensive but not as bad as huge bills!! Good luck in finding a suitable company to provide it :)
Your gifts you have stitched are really pretty, you are doing them so nicely, I think we have done finishes we have never done before this year and who knows what 2007 will bring ;-))
All the very best for New Year Carol to you Mike and your cats especially Angus :-))
I'm so glad to hear that Angus is doing better now. I bet your so excited to have him coming hime.
Your FOB is so pretty. I love both the pattern and the color.
Your new start looks nice, congrats on your little finish.
Ouch that vet bill! I couldn't afford that I'm afraid I'd have to have my cat put down if he got too sick.
I've been lurking on your blog for a while now, following the story of Angus and admiring your beautiful work. If you're serious about getting pet insurance, check out http://www.petinsurance.com/. It's the insurance company that my vet recommends. It's not really that expensive, especially when you consider how much the vet bills will be otherwise. Best of luck with Angus and Happy New Year!
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