Sunday, May 18, 2008

A PIF for Nic

I found out today that Nic has received the PIF gift that I sent to her last week. I keep plugging away at my PIF list and still have a few left to do. I am wondering if all of the people who signed up, though, have posted on their blogs to follow through with the other side of the PIF? I am not sure, but it doesn't seem like many others are stitching PIFs at the moment... I picked up a whole pile of little pieces of 32 ct linen at a shop at Celebration a couple of weeks ago. Each piece was only 25 cents, but I have no idea what colors some are... like this one:
Nature's Alphabet "N" Fob

Elizabeth's Designs

Unknown 32 ct Belfast Linen, DMC Floss, WDW Floss

Stitched on today: Stitched on HoE Freebie Design Exchange


Kim B said...

Such a beautiful fob! I just love how you do the alphabet for people's initials! So cute!

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that with PIFs too. That's why I stopped signing up for defeats the point really if people aren't going to 'pay it forward'. ;-)

Kathy A. said...

Very pretty fob! How frustrating for us all when people don't follow through.

mainely stitching said...

25 cent linen? WOW!

Sorry the PIF movement isn't really going forward as it ought. I didn't sign up for any because I didn't know when on earth I'd ever be able to get to them.

Anonymous said...

Way to go on all your projects and PIF gifts Carol! Ann

Jenn said...

Wow 25 cent linen great find! I must have missed that one.

Sally said...

I signed up for two PIFs in the latter half of 2007 and I've completed 3 for one ( so that's done) and 1 for the other one. Not received anything myself as yet but there's plenty of time yet:)

You have been so busy with your stitching Carol. I love the fobs you sent Nic and Harmien. They are just gorgeous.

Karen's Blog said...

geous fob as always Carol:)Why can't we get 25cent bargains down here. Sigh:)

staci said...

Carol, you are definately the Fob Queen!!! Adore that cute one you sent Harmien too!!!

I am so envious over your 25c linen scraps ;) Don't ya just hate to cut into a big piece of linen for smalls ;)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Lovely fob, you must of stitched that entire alphabet by now!

I've never gotten on the PIF bandwagon myself.

BeckySC said...

Another gorgeous, fob!!

Mylene said...

Another beautiful fob, carol. I do love how you finished all these fobs!

Speaking of PIF, joined and 4 had signed up for me and sent them all at once so i don't want to worry about it. But noticed a couple who had signed up never followed with the rules, really a pity but oh well...

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

25 cents! WOW...who cares what the color is for that price?! LOOKS great ;)