I haven't had any real stitching time at work this month, especially with the upcoming record review for which I have been busy preparing. So, tonight I decided to pick up Blessings Be Thine and work on it at home for a while. Here is my update... seems like forever since I have stitched on this one.

Do you have an organizational system for your fabric? If so, what is it? If not, what do you store your fabric in?...and...How do people store their fabric, especially those small but potentially usable pieces? Do they sort by count? How do they label it or otherwise know what each piece is?
I don't really have any kind of amazing organizational system for my fabrics. I keep them in these Rubbermaid storage units that Mike keeps bringing home for me from WalMart. The first low cabinet you see is packed with hand dyed fabrics... and the taller one has drawers that also contain fabrics that I know are slated for specific projects...
The bottom two drawers of this smaller unit contain fabrics as well. The bottom drawer is full of hand dyed fabrics that are 36 and 40 ct only. The drawer above it is full of 32 and 28 ct hand dyed fabrics that are larger cuts and do not fit anywhere else in my storage units...
And this little Rubbermaid container is full of my standard fabrics. Most are labeled but some aren't - it can be a real adventure. Smaller pieces are in there too!
Morning Glory: Heavenly Blue. I noticed this morning glory blooming out in a pot with nasturtiums before I went to work this morning. This is the first morning glory I have seen bloom this year. I have seen plenty of closed buds in the evening though. It was still a bit overcast when I left early this morning, but I did grab the camera for this shot. It may be the only morning glory I see this year as fall is approaching.
Stitched on today:
Blessings Be Thine
Did they actually have anything at ABC Stitch that you didn't already have? ;> LOL!
I love the progress on you BD project. It's a beautiful design, isn't it. And that morning glory picture reminds me of childhood - where we lived in NH, morning glories seemed to find their way all over.
I agree with Karen. I love the colors in Blessings be Thine.
I've never seend a morning glory that color blue before. It's so pretty.
Blessings Be Thine is very pretty. The fabric is perfect for those colors.
Thanks for the pics of how you store things, it gives me some ideas :>).
I love the Morning Glory, you seem to be as good with a camera as Mike is.
Carol-you amaze me with the amount of stitching you manage to accomplish during your weekly SALs!PL is looking great. This is in my to do pile, but I have to finish MR first. Great fabric stash! WOW!
Wow, It is looking fabulous! I love the colors.
Boy do you have a ton of fabric! I wish my stash was that extensive:)
Blessings Be Thine looks great.
Oh my. You have a lot of fabric!!
Beautiful progress on Blessings - I love the fabric you are stitching it on!
Yup Carol our systems are the same... you just have a lot more than me LOL!
Blessed Be Thine looks wonderful. Oh but Carol, I think you could open your own fabric shop! LOL.
Take care.
Nice progress on your wips Carol, love the photo of Ava :)
I think I might stitch this one too, you have inspired me to do it, such lovely colours.
You are very organised with your fabric, I would love to come and have a look through it all.
Holy crap, that's a lot of fabric. It's quite an impressive stash. And Blessings be thine is beautiful, I love it. That is BD, right? Ann.
I don't remember seeing Blessings Be Thine before. Maybe that's because it's been a while? Speaking of morning glory, it's actually considered a weed here. It's pretty, but I can't seem to get rid of it and it tries its best to strangle everything it can wrap itself around. Is it the same in your area? Mine are white this year. Pretty, but not as pretty as the blue!
It has been awhile since we've seen Blessings, in fact, I'd quite forgotten about it! It's lovely, of course. :D
You have to take the prize for Most Fabric, Carol! And if not, you are certainly at the top of the list. How I'd love to while away a few hours going through all of it. :D
I love your fabric stash! Most of my fabric is neutral colors - I love your colors.
The morning glory is just so perfect - it looks almost like silk.
The Morning Glory is so beautiful, don't you just love that shade of blue?
Nice work on Blessing be Thine!
karen, I have to say you have inspired me. your work is just beautiful. some questions.
What do you do with all the completed work??
Does it ever drive you crazy having so many projects going @ one time? keep stitching Margaret
Oh my! What a LARGE stash of fabbies you have there.
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