While my original plan was to work on MTM again tonight, I am still struggling a little bit with caffeine withdrawals (ouch, the headache I woke up to this morning!!), and thus decided to pick something that I thought would be more fun. I didn't stitch for very long today, but I did almost finish the very colorful diamond shapes at the bottom of House 3 - they look southwestern to me, very cheerful!

Do you have a favorite needlework tool that you like to work with? What is it and why do you like using it?
I must admit, I was really surprised at how few people have responded that they have a favorite needlework tool! I have many, many, many - but I only will post three of them here... I feel a little awkward to have so many now that I see most respondents didn't report even one... My all-time favorite is my Do-lolly. It is pictured in the center of the photo. This little gadget has gotten me out of so many scrapes! It is great for fixing boo boos too. When you have only a tiny little piece of floss in the back of your piece that needs to be woven under stitches to secure it, you just grab the Do-lolly and put the little folded wire piece under the stitches, tuck the tiny end of the floss inside of it, and gently pull! I don't use the hook - it is too bulky. Instead I just use my needle to guide the floss into the Do-lolly! Voila - all emergencies easily averted!! I also adore my Tacky Bob (the flower case on the right) - which holds my beads when I am beading a project. And, my needlecase - this is wonderful - the inside has magnets that hold my needles (lots and lots of them) in place, as well as tiny tweezers, my Do-lolly, needle threader and such... can't live without these! **I am not sure what the yellowish splotch is in the bottom right corner of the needlework on my needlecase... just camera trickery, I guess.

Daylily: Indian Giver
Stitched on today:
Houses of Hawk Run Hollow
I've never heard of a Do-lolly. I'll have to see if I can find one. I sure could use it! :P
I love my Tacky Bob too. I don't know what i'd do wtih out it.
I love HOHRH. The colors are very soft with the Vicki Clayton silks. It looks great. Everytime I see it I want to go start it, but I can't right now. I really want to get myself into a stitching rotation but life is too hectic right now to even try to be that organized. Maybe in September when the kids go back to school.
Oh I have a very simular (if not the same)do-lolly :) I love mine as well but I stuck with my first love the trolly needle as I could go on for hour about needlework tools ;)
HHRH is looking lovely! Oooh giving up caffine I've heard that's quite hard. Luckily I'm not addicted to it... food that's another issue!
I like the diamond shapes, as well. I think I mentioned the dololly in my answer, but I made my own. Maybe I should go back to trying to sell them on eBay, but I wasn't sure if the wire I was using was small enough. Shall I send you one to try? ;)
Is your tool case from Sudberry?
I love my Tacky BOB too! I don't know how I could bead these Chatelaines without it. Mine has cat hair on it too though - go figure! I've never used a Dololly though, will have to check that out. Your HOHRH is looking fabulous - I've been doing diamonds like that on my Lemon Meringue Sampler, so that's what they made me think of!
Now that is what a flower should look like. :) HOHRH looks awesome, I love the colors. Ann.
HOHRH looks fantastic!!!
And I love my Tacky Bob. Thank you so much :-)
Hope your feeling better soon.
A Do-lolly? No, can't say I've heard of those...
How's life without caffeine? I tried it once, a few months ago. Didn't like it, got back to my usual ten cups a day, and have felt much better ever since. But you hang in there: I know you're not as weak-willed as I am! Ooh, and HoHRH is looking great!
You're the second person who's raved about a Do-lolly. I didn't know what they were for before but now I do they sound great!
Hope the headache and withdrawal symptoms ease off soon. I used to get those every Saturday when I drank coffee all week at work. Horrid. {{hugs}}
I didn't even know needlework tools existed apart from scissors and needles and that do-lolly gadget looks cool :-)
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