I came to that conclusion today. I will get the two Chatelaine projects done, probably in plenty of time, this month. But, I also have to have fun. I have found that I resent MTM when it comes out each month. My friends know this!! It gets in the way of so many other things when I feel I have to rush, rush, rush and totally stress myself out to stitch it as fast as I can - stupid! No longer!! It will get done, but with less stress! And, today I chose to have fun instead - it was a long, hot day at work today, and I could care less than to work on MTM tonight. Instead, I picked up Mermaids of the Deep Blue. I got a lot done! I found that I can typically get a lot done in one evening's sitting every time I pick this up... so, it should be finished fairly soon. I do wonder how long it will take to bead this, though. I might start some of the beading fairly soon, just to get it started. The mermaid on the right is now finished, except for her tail and her beads... and I got a lot of the body done on the one on the left tonight too :-)

Mike took this photo earlier this week... I cannot recall what this bug is called, but I think it might be a hummingbird moth (??). I learned it's name on a gardening website a couple of years ago, but I am not sure if I remember it correctly. They are big bugs! This one was looking for a last morsel on the fading bee balm plants in our garden. (Yep, I looked it up, it is a
Hummingbird Clearwing - scroll down to third one...cool!)
Blogger is letting me post pictures today!!
Stitched on today:
Mermaids of the Deep Blue
Ohhhh, I'm not a fan of moths, much less something big like that! In your picture it really looks like more of a hummingbird than a moth!
Lovely progress on Mermaids!!
(Btw, I found my way to your blog through Jo's!)
Oh what a beautiful bug! A great photo - you can see its wings going so fast.
I understand what you mean about MTM. Smaller parts this month though and then it's nearly done!! In a month or so you'll be able to look at it and love it.
And the mermaids are lovely :)
That's a big moth....
I also understand what you mean about MTM. I've had a couple of projects that I began to resent working on.... they ended up as UFOs
Mermaids are stunning, another one for my to do pile :o)
Cool moth, and the Mermaids are looking beautiful, Carol :)
I couldn't upload photos to Blogger yesterday - it's been very hit and miss lately. Maybe I will try again later today since it seems to be behaving for you now :)
Mermaids are great. I finally have my fabric for them!!! It still isn't exactly what I was looking for but I don't think I will be able to do any better. The bug picture is creepy (I am not a bug person), if that thing were 10 times smaller it would still be creepy to me. Nice photography though :>)
Your Mermaids are beautiful! What fabric are you doing them on again? It's perfect.
Oh your Mermaids are coming along nicely! Everytime I see this piece it reminds me of how much I love it. Keep up the good work and you'll have them done in now time.
I just love the colors of the mermaids bodies. Such a calm, relaxing green.
Wow, that is one large looking moth. I'm not sure how I feel about it but it looks kind of cool. Mermaids is gorgeous, your stitching is so good. Ann.
Thank you for solving the question of the baby hummingbird. When I read that hummingbirds don't usually come smaller than 4" I couldn't get that information to jibe with the tiny one I saw in my mother's garden in NH. I've learned my new thing of the day, can I go back to bed now? :)
Hey you're almost finished your mermaid piece! Gorgeous. Beads too, I presume? I have a Mirabilia started, but haven't worked on him for a while.
That's a big hummer bee! I've seen much smaller guys around here. They must grow them bigger in NH!
Your mermaids of the deep are looking so pretty. Your doing a great job. I love the pic of the flower with the bug. Thanks for sharing these.
Oh my gosh, that is the coolest thing! I can't believe you captured it on film.
Your mermaids are looking so beautiful. I'm really glad that you are enjoying them. You're right, you will finish your Chatelaines, but you need to give yourself a break! I'm sorry that you aren't enjoying working on MTM anymore. I think those 4 months creating the actual town just burned you out on this one. You're in the home stretch, though, and you will have a gorgeous piece to hang on the wall and admire when you're done. :)
Thet's one big bug Carol. And Mike was quick to get that photo.
Yes, MTM is a big committment you are doing well. Loving the Mermaids too, have seen Katrina's and it is lovely.
And Happy belated birthday to you too. Loved your goodies and I just think that Flea Market Souvenir will be my next purchase. I love it.
Sorry to be out of touch for so long. Dial-up connection ... grrr!
I had so much fun at ABC and I'm glad you like your partial birthday gift. Still awaiting the chart I ordered for you. :(
Your birthday picture is great. Sounds like a wonderful night out!
Your Mermaids look fantastic, and you are right you will probably be done with them soon. I have this lovely in my stash...someday! Good for you for not stressing yourself on MTM.
you're going to have so many HD's soon! It makes a girl jealous!
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