Since a few of you asked for it, here is a closer look at the beading on Medieval Town Mandala. Not a great photo, but this is what my photography skills will allow. I finished the beaded flowers around the edge of herb garden tonight, and it took me a full four hours (7PM - 11PM) to stitch them! I also got the passwords today for both MTM and M9. I realize I, like everyone else, tend to underestimate how long it takes to stitch a part, but I don't think either will really take long at all. The mystery is revealed - we will be adding yellow roses (algerian eyelets, I think - the chart is on my desk right now) to the trees/rose bushes in the outer corners of MTM to finish it off. Oh, and lots of beads! And speaking of beads, Part 9 of M9 is loaded with beads and crystals! The stitching part is not very big, but could be a little boring (that can add to stitching time, can't it?).

Daylily: Lilting Belle

Good Bye David Wells. One of my all-time favorite Red Sox players was traded to the San Diego Padres tonight. I feel so sad. I will miss him. He has quite a personality... but he is likely to retire at the end of this year and wanted to play on the west coast this year to be closer to his wife and children... and in a classy move, the Red Sox let him go home so he would have a better shot at the post season with another team. But... we won tonight! At least our third string rookies are getting enough experience to be playing better now! (Silver lining time....) Anyhow, I sure do wish you luck, Boomer. Thank you for two wonderful years ;-)
Stitched on today: A gift at work - the recipient reads my blog, so cannot reveal.... and
Medieval Town Mandala
WOW! It looks great Carol! You are so close to finishing her. I'm so excited for you. :)
By clicking to make the pic larger, I could see some of those lovely sparklies!! Wow! What it must look like in person! Awesome job, Carol. :D
That is stunning!! WOW! Can't wait to see more pics!
MTM is awe-ispiring. Wowsers. What an amazing finish this will be!
Oh my! That seems to have grown so much since I last saw it! I can't believe how BIG it is. It looks gorgeous too :o)
MTM is gorgeous as usual. The beads add a lot. I'm surprised how well you can see them in a pic. Have a great weekend if I don't see you today.
Thank you for the close-up picture, Carol! This is such a gorgeous piece.
Enjoy your long weekend - you deserve it after that review! :)
You did an amazing job with all those beaded flowers, Carol! I am looking forward to stitching on part 9 of M9 with all the beads and crystals. I guess that is why we needed over 1300 of delica 411:)
OMG.. its gorgeous! The pic is very clear.. Thanks Carol!
It's looking stunning Carol
Ooooooo, so sparkly! Beautiful! Thanks for the closeup. :)
What a beauty! You are indulging my love of all things sparkly with this one!
Carol, everytime I see this piece-I marvel at how stunning it is! Beautiful stitching!
Carol, thanks for the closeup pic. It looks gorgeous!
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