OK, I am again confused and wondering when the next RR mailing date is... for some reason, I just cannot lock these in my brain. But I suspect September 15th or the like?? So.... I worked on Veronica's Neighborhood RR today. I have now completed all of the components I wanted from The Tea Room chart. Now I need to create some kind of walkway down towards the bottom of the square and add something more to fill in that area.... I am thinking maybe bunnies from LHN's Morning Berries. I have to take a peek... maybe needs some more gardeny stuff too.... This has been very fun to stitch!

No daylily today - instead, here is one of my tigerlilies :-)
Stitched on today:
The Tea Room
The mailing date is 9/15.
This is really sweet. I love the shop and the tree.
It is looking beautiful. Great job!
Wow, that is exquisite! Veronica will be delighted! I really, really have to stitch that one some day...
That tigerlily is gorgeous!
Have a great week, Carol!
Your stitches are always beautiful ! and so are your flowers !
Can you check : i don't recieve anymore your new posts mails (christine.mugnier@freesbee.fr)
thank you carol !
The RR square you are stitching for Veronica is so sweet.
Your Tiger Lilly is amazing. I'm blown away by it.
The Tea Room looks nice. Add some gardeny stuff since that's also what you like to do, and it would fit perfectly in that area. The Tiger Lily is striking.
I love what you chose to stitch! Very cute.
Your team room square looks lovely - you're doing such an awesome job with the Neighbourhood RR squares :) Your Mystery IX is looking good too ... and I'm looking forward to seeing the Bay Sampler :)
I love how delicate and pretty that design is. It looks wonderful!
Your tea room is looking lovely
Pretty tigerlily. The shop is so cute. I love seeing these RR's, everyone is so creative. Ann
The Tea Room is looking so pretty! Can't wait to see what else you add to it. I LOVE the tigerlilies!
Great progress. It's looking really nice. :)
Your LHN Tea Room is so pretty! I too love her designs as well as Country Cottage Needleworks. You do beautiful work! :))
You do such lovely work. I really enjoy your blog. Oh and your kitty is adorable! Come visit me sometime on my blog. huggers!
Pretty! That TigerLily is so beautiful, have you thought of stitching that one up?! I think it'd make a perfect xstitch.
The RR is looking great-can't wait to see what else you add. Your flowers are so lovely-they just don't seem real!
Your NRR piece looks so sweet! She's going to love it!
Mum will love it, hopefully she will see it soon when Helen returns from holiday and can show her on screen.
September 15th is next posting out date.
Love the tiger lilies.
Lovely RR! I stitch my RR's as soon as they arrive that way I don't miss a deadline!
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