Thanks to those who left such nice comments about An Emblem of Love. Karen and I are both really enjoying this SAL already. The colors are just so pretty! Someone mentioned she was glad I was not doing the monotone version. I agree - EoL is not very special done in one color. It's charm really comes from the multicolored version (in my humble little opinion, that is).

New DVD Release Tuesday - Silent Hill and Just My Luck (recommended by a client).

I know I haven't been visiting blogs as much lately. I also haven't much chance to stitch at work (except for a few minutes today to work on a gift). I have an insurance company site visit coming up on Monday and I have been ultra busy getting ready for that. Life should be normal again soon.
Stitched on today: Paradigm Lost
I love the names of your lilies - Little Peanut! It sounds like a nickname for a child or pet! :>
PL looks fabulous. I also love the script. I'm a font-freak.
The little boy in my sidebar photo is one of the twins of my friend Kelli. A real cutie, isn't he?
Great progress on Paradigm Lost, Carol! Lovely pictures of Ava and the daylily :)
It's amazing how fast PL is growing isn't it
I'm such a sucker for the alphabet, and I'm really loving this one.
OMG! Look at that face! How dare you even think of disturbing her! LOL
I agree with you on the font of the alphabet. It's really lovely. :)
Paradigm Lost is looking gorgeous - I love the color blue you chose more each time I see it.
what a neat name for the lily :)
PL looks great too, has it really been five weeks since you started, wow, just goes to show how fast the weeks are going by at the moment. Have a good rest of the week Carol.
Emblem of Love is looking good already - will enjoy your progress with Karen :) I was just thinking today I haven't touched Bordeaux in the last 2 weeks since coming back home either ... very naughty of me :( Will get back to it again next week ... I really want to get more projects finished, 'cos there are so many new ones I'm dying to start ;) Paradigm Lost is motoring along and looking great, BTW :D
PL looks wonderful! That K really is pretty.
You've made great progress in just five weeks! I'm going to enjoy watching your progress (and Karen's too) on Emblem of Love.
Hi Carol,
PL is looking great and I love your start on EOL. Both are very nice pieces!
I tried to e-mail you about 4 times today and they came back-I wanted to let you know that the package arrived safe and sound and I have taken care of them. Thank you so much-I was thrilled to receive them :)
hugs to you
Your EOL is going to be so pretty and you are making great progress on Paradigm Lost-I just love that fabric!
I agree its quite the challenge to keep up with everyone's blogs. Once the school year starts I won't have as much time for blog-reading.
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