Picking this up to stitch tonight was really just an impulse. I had told myself that I needed to work on Mystery 9 for a bit now... the month is half over, and I have only done one triangle/side/corner... whatever you would choose to call it. But, I didn't feel like having anything that cumbersome to work on tonight and I stared at my WIP bag for a while... finally pulled this one out! And, here is my Women of the Mayflower update...

Daylily: When I Dream - OK, I think this time I really did find a daylily without any bugs on it! Yes! I knew there were some! This is one of our favorites - it is wonderfully bold and bright, so I have several clumps of it in various areas of the garden, and even some out by the mailbox for passerbys and the mailman to admire too.

And, I did say "some lilies" - this is my Lily, she just looked so cute on the other end of the sofa just now, so here she is. It really has been a long time since I have shared any of my kitties here, so for those who do not know them, this is Lily, she is four years old and is the teeny tiniest little persian female. She is called a dilute calico. Instead of the traditional red, black and white (which our Ava is), Lily is blue, cream and white. She is a little doll, adores both Mike and I, chats at us constantly and sleeps in our bed (with Ava) - she and Ava chat with each other all night, and it took Mike and I quite some time to learn how to sleep while they chat!!
Stitched on today:
Women of the Mayflower
Lily and Ava chatting all night, that's hilarious! Do they speak kitty language, or can you actually understand what they're saying? Gorgeous lily, by the way.
Women of the Mayflower is coming along nicely. You stitch so fast, Carol, what IS your secret?
Lily is adorable! Your kitties are hilarious... too funny. :)
Womean of the Mayflower is coming along nicely. Your lilly flower is beautiful. I just love those colors. and your Lilly the cat look very happy sitting there. Was she keeping you company while you stitched? Here and Ava 'talking' while you guys try and sleep is so cute. They are both chatting about what they did durring their day.
Congrats on your progress on the Mayflower. I am having a similar internal dialogue about what to work on for a stitch-a-thon this weekend sponsored by Renee's board. I may compromise and set goals for both M9 and White Wedding:)
Thanks for sharing pics of your lilies. The furry one is a very pretty kitty.
WOTM has progressed a lot and looks great. I love the lily, especially without any bugs. Your furry Lily is very cute too.
I have to second AnneMarie, you do stitch so fast! How long do you work each evening? Your cat is adorable.
Lovely lilies--both flower and kitty. I'd just love to pick her up and snuggle her--she's so fluffy looking. I love how the color of the lily is echoed in the WOTM--so pretty.
I am just loving your Mayflower piece - beautiful! I'm having a hard time getting motivated to work on Mystery 9. Ugh. Love your lilies today - she is precious!
Your Lily looks (and sounds) like such a sweetie! WotM is looking really good. Great progress!
Women of the Mayflower is looking great and you Lily is very cute
I love that the kitties talk to each other, that is cool. WOTM looks great! Ann.
I love the way Lily and Ava sound. My Molly doesn't chat much unless she is in a mood. Then she will tell us a few things...lol. I can just imagine them like little girls talking at night about anything and everything.
Women of the Mayflower is looking great and I love your pictures of the lilies.
I have been enjoying your flowers and your stitching work.
I haven't been getting the notification of your postings to my yahoo account so I am not getting it with my aol account. Now I will have that link so I can enjoy your postings daily.
Both Lily's are beautiful, I can imagine Ava and Lily loungin on your bed chatting to each other, Tash used to chat ot Flooz but wouldn't let him on the bed.
Ava is a beautiful baby! I miss having a kittie around as my 17 year old hymie passed a year ago this month. Maybe it's time...
That Lily kitty is just a heart-stealer! What a face!! I want her!
I must start WotM now that I have the rest of the Crescent Colours that I needed. Yours looks incredible!
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