Tonight was Paradigm Lost SAL night with
Jo again. I am almost done with page 1, but wandered off to page 4 to work some on that weird bird motif... at first I thought it was a double headed bird, which creeped me out. But upon closer inspection, it appears to be two birds back to back... you really cannot tell that yet, though... There is an even stranger bird motif lower down on the sampler... I am not fond of either of the birds, but still love the sampler (if that makes any sense??).
I am blogging quite late tonight, so that is pretty much all I have got to say :-)
Oh... New DVD Release Tuesday brings us:
Inside ManStitched on today:
Paradigm Lost
Looks fantastic, Carol!! how many pages in the entire piece?
PL is coming along very nice. Beautiful stitching as usual :>)
I love this piece, it looks so cool. Have you seen the new designs by Ink Circles (https://www.stitchingbitsandbobs.com/cgi-bin/pageread.cgi?InkCircles). This piece makes me think of them. Very nice. Ann.
I see what you mean about the birds, they are kind of freaky looking aren't they? I love the seashore and crab though! It is a beautiful project overall. What linen are you using, it's beautiful.
I love reading your blog and seeing the pictures of your gorgeous flowers interspersed with your lovely stitching!
LOL about being creeped out by the double-headed bird. I'd worry more about that insect thing brushing against my face. In any event, it's a beautiful sampler, with really interesting motifs!
It is really looking great!
It is looking beautiful. Isn't the symbol for the Romanovs a two- headed bird or am I imagining that? Anyway, looks great - you're making good progress on this one.
PL and KS are both looking wonderful. I love the dragonfly at the top of PL. You picked a great blue for it!
Sorry to hear about the odd bird motifs, but I'm sure the overall effect is going to be wonderful!
Michelle's right. The double headed bird appears on a lot of Eastern European coats-of-arms and flags too. At least it's not a screaming eagle.
It's looking lovely, great progress
Hmmm looks like a two headed bird to me too! Its lovely!
Carol, I laughed when I read the part about the two headed bird. My daughter agrees with you-she thought it was two headed too. I can't wait to see more-I have considered stitching this piece.
Hmmm, the bird does look a little odd! But the whole thing is lovely. Beautiful in fact! :)
Very pretty!!
I looked at your pic & jo's pic, and I still think it looks like a two-headed bird!
Good job so far ...
Really enjoying your progress on PL (and everything else, of course)! Love the floss color you're using. :D
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