Finally... it took me a very long time tonight to fill in this little part of the garden, which is only 1/4 of Part 8 of Mystery IX... I have to do three more of these this month. Martina is using a variegated silk for the background, so all of those individual x's are very time consuming. So.... is that what artichokes look like? I thought I had seen one before, and it sure didn't look like these purple things - LOL! I will have to research that now! I apologize for the overexposed photo - yet again - I stitch until late and then have to take photos indoors in a finished basement, with not the greatest lighting - sigh. **I did find an artichoke website, and they showed a purple one! OK... now they look legitimate to me.

Daylily: Decatur Cherry Smash (with a visitor)
Stitched on today:
Mystery IX
Wow! That Part 8 is really lovely! And the picture of the Daylily is breathtaking :)
I remember when my previous boss brought artichoke flowers in to the office - I just couldn't believe the colour or the smell (kind of like honey). They certainly added interest to the back room.
They look beautiful stitched!!
I love the variegated background. It adds a lot to that corner.
Your flower is lovely also. I like this bug better than the last one.
Congrats on finishing your first artichoke. It took me a lot longer than I expected too! I do like that it ties us back to some of the colors in the center of the piece.
Allen also asked if that was really what an artichoke plant looked like:) I didn't know either!
The artichoke looks lovely! After seeing so many triangles - it's nice to see something different on this piece...now I have to get back to my triangles. Only 6 more to go....ugh! Your Daylily photo is beautiful!
Your artichoke is lovely Carol and the picture of the Daylily is lovely
Its looking great. I love the day lily and friend pic very much - I haven't forgotten your wee parcel, I'm going to send it with the NRR.
Lovey artichoke!
Wow that picture of your daylilly is stunning. Its a shame mine are all done now.
Wow thats looking superb I love Chatelaine! Oh and I have giant artichokes in my garden and boy do they get big!
Dunno about the artichokes, but I looooove them stitched - those corners are really pretty :) And a HUGE congrats on getting Kingdom Sampler finished - it looks wonderful! :D
It certainly is a beautiful piece of garden, even if it takes a while to stitch. I think it's worth it, don't you? :)
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