I really want to stick with having some decent time every month on Houses of Hawk Run Hollow, considering I started this back in January of 2005 and am only on my fourth block.... I really enjoy this one! I still have to fill in more of the Legacy Blue around the diamonds, which are so colorful. And, I did get the outline of the house finished tonight. I think this block should be finished soon as long as I continue to fit in time for it. After I finish the sampler I will be free to work on Village of Hawk Run Hollow - I really do want to finish HOHRH first. (Are the ladies who joined this SAL still working on it? I have been wondering, as I have not heard from any of you lately... am I alone now?)

Daylily: Cherry Eyed Pumpkin - a bug free photo today - LOL! Someone asked about the Japanese beetle on yesterday's daylily. I called it an unfriendly visitor because they are so destructive - especially to my roses, but also to the daylilies. You can even see a wound on one of the petals - made, most likely, by that beetle - argh. Most of my daylilies are done now, although a few later blooming and extended blooming varities are still turning out blooms. This is yet another photo from Mike's huge photo gallery he has been taking all summer long. **Oh my goodness! It is NOT bug-free - I just noticed little tiny ants on it - too funny! Well... that's gardening! Flora and fauna...
There was a request by someone for what type of digital camera we use - Mike and I use very different cameras, and I believe the request was regarding his - I don't know, I will have to check with him. I will blog that answer tomorrow. The quality of the photos has a lot to do with his talent - his father was an Air Force Photographer and I believe he taught Mike some good tricks.
Stitched on today:
Houses of Hawk Run Hollow
Japanese beetles are awful critters, aren't they? They really got my sunflowers this year and have shown interest in my hibiscus. I don't recall seeing them on my daylilies, though...not going to complain! :-)
Mike's pictures do look very professional. I'm sure he could sell them or enter them into a contest!!
Congratulations on your progress on HoHRH, I am so impressed by those of you who tackle that project and actually complete it! It is so huge and dense!!
What?! You don't like the beasties destroying your flowers ;o)
I don't know why, but I have the feeling the Village of HRH might be a bit less stitching than the Houses, although I can tell you from personal experience that the Village is A LOT of work!
Glad you noticed the ants on your flower, that was the first thing I noticed :>). HOHRH looks great and your flower is pretty dispite the ants.
It's good to see HoHRH again. It's an awfully daunting project, and I've put mine aside for now but should take it out again. I fall in and out of love so fast-LOL. Mike's pictures are great, and I think the ants add character to the picture. Hmmmm...ant sampler, anyone?
HOHRH looks great. I love the blue color used around the diamonds. Nice Job and pretty flower. Ann.
Your house is looking great! Good luck keeping up with it.
I love the lily. It has a cute name too!
Your HoHRH is looking lovely and it's another great picture of the daylily
HOHRH is looking great! I would so love to stitch this with you, but I think I have too much on my plate right now. I just recently bought the chart. I do love the pics of your garden - they inspire me!
I love the day-ly lily pics. :) You must have deer out there in the woods... how do you keep them off the lilies? The deer come and eat the buds off of mine most years. This year they've spared *some*. HoHRH looks great! Have you really been working on it that long? It doesn't seem like it!
Just checking in to say "Hi". Hope your having a great summer.
Mike does a great job with photos!
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