I got to work on the beads and crystals on Medieval Town Mandala again tonight, since the password for the very final part (I can hardly believe it!!) comes out in a day or two. It was really kind of burdensome to bead the corner triangles near the center tonight. The entire outer edge of each of the four triangles is blue and gold beads. But... the delicas beads are slightly wider than two threads of belfast linen. So, the vertical sides of the triangles were a bit of a tight fit (that is putting it mildly). However, that is done now, and I am now on to making little beaded flowers around the next border - which I
love doing. I look forward to getting back to them tomorrow night. I think the darker purple ones really look a lot like lavender - good job Martina! I don't think any photo I can take (and most certainly not this one) can show how sparkly MTM is getting now :-)

Daylily: Siloam Valentine
After tomorrow, I am off for four days as the US celebrates Labor Day. I had anticipated having Fridays off for the month of August, but it never really did work out that way when I got the notice about my record review. I spent the last two Fridays either catching up with paperwork at home or going to the office to finish my filing... this Friday, no work at all.
Stitched on today: Bordeaux Sampler ( at work - only a tiny bit, but still some...) and
Medieval Town Mandala
Very, very lovely, Carol! Both MTM and that stunning lily.
I can't believe that MTM is going into its final phase. What do you have planned for it when it's completed?
Wow Carol, MTM is truly stunning. It must be breathtaking in real life!!
Ditto on Karen's request - you'll have to show up some close-ups! :)
And that's a beautiful flower once again!
Your MTM is gorgeous .I love the flower shots you add each day.Enjoy your long weekend.
MTM is still my favorite piece to watch you stitch. I am so in love with this piece. I wish we could see the beading better, this must be just stunning IRL.
It's so pretty, Carol! I can't believe you're almost finished either. Definitely take some close ups!
oh, Carol, I forgot to tell you that I received your package. Thanks a lot!
Now I have to send you one!
MTM looks amazing Carol! I can only imagine how beautiful it looks IRL. You have done such an amazing job on it:)
WOW! MTM looks fantastic!
It's gloomy and gray here, so the bright pink flower and all the sparklies are a most welcome sight. I love how MTM has turned out!
All your wips are looking gorgeous Carol, congratulations on the good review
Carol, so stunning, I really admire your work. Thanks for the comment on And so it goes..., yes your right CF is for Country French. I use three of their colors alot, since I do samplers
Wow - the MTM is absolutely stunning!!!
MTM is amazing. I can't wait to see the next part as you stitch it.
Thanks for the flower of the day!
MTM is looking so pretty! I love that Martina makes her pieces so sparkly. I am excited about all the sparklies in Part 9 of M9. Maybe it will inspire me to get going!
I can only imagine what MTM must look like in person. I hope that you will consider bringing it with you to Hershey so that I can see it for myself. :)
Your MTM is stunning!
Wow Carol, MTM is looking so stunning. I particularly like the centre of this design, the colours are so pretty.
Congratulations on passing your review too.
I bet it's just going to be amazing! So nearly finished and you stuck with it all the way through. Wow :)
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