It's all about scissors...

Many of us have a few pairs of embroidery scissors and some even have
a "collection". How many pairs of scissors do you have? Feel free to
share a photo of your favorite pair or pairs with us!
It took me well over a week to answer this question because a) I have many pairs of scissors and really had to think about where they all were (I tend to keep them in with projects, especially those that I take to work with me), and b) I am too lazy to track them all down. But, I did do some tracking down today and found these... I know I have more, and even as I type this I now remember I have a pair from Becky that she tucked into a scissor case for me (I keep these hanging as a decoration, and have not used the scissors). But these are the ones I dug out of projects. The pair in the upper left is my favorite pair - they are super sharp and are reserved for cutwork and hardanger - Mike is not allowed to touch these or even go near them! I don't know who the manufacturer is. And, the pretty fob attached to them was last year's birthday gift from Jo, which makes it even more special! (I forgot to tell Jo, I think, that I had these with me at Jeannette Douglas' class at Celebrations in May, and Jeannette oohed and aahed over the fob!!). Going clockwise, the black pair of Gingher's were purchased for me by Mike at the opening day celebration of my LNS, Colonial Needleworks - and the fob was a birthday gift this year from Karen (which was made by her DH, Bren!!). Cool! Next is my oldest pair of scissors - these were, at the time that Mike bought them for me a good 15 years ago, the best Ginghers on the market. They show some wear, but are still just as good! And, the fob is from Judith :-) The silver pair to the left of those are my newest purchase from my birthday trip to Yankee Cross Stitch - just love these too death! My next two pairs are kicking around scissors from Cougar that are just wonderful! They travel around in my projects back and forth from work. And, last but not least, is a pair of pretty purple scissors attached to the "anti-frogging device," aka fob, that Jo just sent to me for my birthday! OK, those are the ones I could find! I am sure there are more - LOL! See, I was even too lazy to press Blessings Be Thine before I used it as my background!
I can't believe how many scissors you have, that is unbelievable. And good thinking to have one for a project you are working on so you aren't always looking for that one pair, like I have. Besides, the more scissors you have the more cute little fobs you can make for them, right? It was so good to see you today at the store. It was fun to hang out and tease Kelsey, one of my favorite things to do when I am there. She is such a cool kid. Ann.
Very nice collection of scissors, Carol! I feel more at home with my own collection, now. :)
That's an amazing collections of scissors! I've been stitching for 20 years, and I don't own a single pair of them. In fact, I didn't even know they existed until last week. I've just been using plain ol' sewing scissors.
Love your collection of scissors and fobs also. The fabric you are using for the BD is beautiful.
I think every stitcher is addicted to scissors!!!
Very lovely collection of scissors, Carol! I also leave scissors in project bags and so I know I own more than those I can readily put my hands on, lol! I remember a post by Vero M. a few months back where she put together all her scissors - unbelievable collection! :D
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