The rest of the exchange that I sent to her included a half yard of fabric with daisies and bees (Sandra requested floral fabrics and fabrics with bees on her wishlist), a pair of gold Mundial stork scissors, three skeins of variegated floss, a small Halloween Mill Hill kit (also saw she likes Halloween), and a spool of sheer cream ribbon for her upcoming finishings. Enjoy Sandra!
I had forgotten that I picked up Celtic Winter from the framer last Friday. It was ready a week before that, but when I went to pick it up, there was a large dent in the gilt on the frame. The framer was so sorry she had not noticed it, and she took it right back to reframe it. It took Mike and I a lot of discussion to decide how we wanted her centered in the frame. I like how it finally turned out...

Now, I have to say that I feel terribly guilty and at a loss. I have been a terrible blog commenter, and I don't know what I am going to do. I love my blogging friends and reading everyone's blogs. But... well.... doing so and commenting often affected me professionally! I was finding myself sitting in my office and not doing any paperwork and just surfing blogs... and that is a baaaaad thing. My job as a psychotherapist in private practice entails a lot of paperwork. Documentation is key to success, reimbursement and good ethics. So, I really cannot ditch my paperwork. It was hard to catch myself back up. I don't want anyone to think poorly of me or to think I am not interested in you any longer. That is the furthest thing from the truth. I do find pockets of time to read, but commenting is at a minimum. Even my dearest online friends hear from me much less now... since I realized how destructive this has been to my work. My sincerest apologies. I don't know if it will get any better - the paperwork will always be there. But I will sure try! I appreciate all of you that visit and comment in my blog. I have considered shutting my comments section off, but was advised by one of you not to do that... I was told you would all understand. I will still visit you, and will comment whenever I can. I use my free time in the evenings to stitch and run HoE, of course, so commenting needs to come from other pockets of time as I find them... thank you, friends! I do love you all, even if I don't get to comment as much as I want to!
Now I am off to do more secret stitching... it's my "half birthday" today :-)
Stitched on today: Finished a gift, and started a PIF **Mailed out a new Crazy Exchange for ???? today